Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺Movie Script


《加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺》是2006年上映的美国奇幻喜剧电影,是《加勒比海盗》系列电影的第二部,由戈尔·维宾斯基执导,特里·鲁西奥和泰德·艾略特编剧,约翰尼·德普、奥兰多·布鲁姆、凯拉·奈特莉等人主演。 影片主要讲述了海盗杰克·斯帕罗船长由于欠下了海盗戴维·琼斯的债,为了还债获得自由身,杰克与其他几方势力共同争夺拥有巨大魔力的聚魂棺的故事。 影片于2006年7月7日在美国上映,该片是系列全五部中唯一…

You have a debt to pay.
You've been captain of the Black Pearl for 13 years.
That was our agreement.
Technically I was only captain for two years, then I was mutinied upon.
Then you were a poor captain, but a captain nonetheless.
Have you not introduced yourself all these years as Captain Jack Sparrow?
You have my payment.
One soul to serve on your ship.
- One soul is not equal to another.
- Aha!
We've established my proposal is sound in principle. Now we're haggling over price.
Just how many souls do you think my soul is worth?
One hundred souls.
Three days.
You're a diamond, mate. Send me back the boy. I'll get started right off.
I keep the boy.
A good-faith payment.
That leaves you only 99 more to go.
Have you not met Will Turner?
He's noble, heroic, a terrific soprano.
Worth at least four.
Maybe three and a half.
And did I happen to mention... he's in love?