Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪 Movie Script


《加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪》(Pirates of the Caribbean:On Stranger Tides)是迪士尼电影公司2011年推出的奇幻历险电影,也是加勒比海盗系列电影的第四部作品。由罗伯·马歇尔执导,杰瑞·布鲁克海默制片,约翰尼·德普、佩内洛普·克鲁兹、伊恩·麦柯肖恩和杰弗里·拉什主演。 影片故事以杰克船长寻找不老泉为主线。佩内洛普·克鲁兹饰演他的老情人,但让杰克船长不确定的是,她究…

Never so much as turned his head.
The fountain is the prize.
It appears we be not even worth the time it would take to sink us.
And now we've fallen behind. All hands make more sail.
All hands more sail !
- Weigh hard me wind. We need a tide.
The topic gentlemen, is mutiny.
Mutiny most foul.
Aye. I signed up to sail under Jack Sparrow.
Not some pretender.
And a lady at that.
- A mention was failed to be made to this uncanny crew.
- Made my toes curl, it do.
- I got em. All of them.
- Well done !
On to it then. Blackbeard. What are his habits ?
- Stays most in his cabin.
- That's right. My lady crews cabin.
- Yes, but when he comes out.
- Don't really come out.
- Must come out some time !
- Not really, no. Ain't seen him. Never.
- Any of you sailed with him before ?
- No, never.
- Any of you seen him before ?