Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Movie Script



Gents! Our hope is restored!
Any of you so much as thinks the word "parley", I'll have your guts for garters!
You godless pirate!
Welcome back, miss.
You took advantage of our hospitality last time.
It holds fair now you return the favor.
She goes free!
What's in your head, boy?
She goes free.
You've only got one shot, and we can't die.
Don't do anything stupid.
You can't. I can.
Like that.
- Who are you?
- No one. He's no one.
A distant cousin of my aunt's nephew, twice removed.
Lovely singing voice, though. Eunuch.
My name is Will Turner!
My father was Bootstrap Bill Turner.
His blood runs in my veins.
It's the spitting image of old Bootstrap Bill come back to haunt us.
On my word, do as I say, or I'll pull this trigger, and be lost to Davy Jones' locker!