邮差 Postino Il Movie Script


  马里奥(马西莫•特罗西 Massimo Troisi 饰)是一个渔民的儿子,他并不喜欢大海,却当上了邮递员,专门负责小岛上信件的发送。   小岛上住着智利诗人聂鲁达(菲利浦•诺瓦雷 Philippe Noiret 饰)和他的妻子。聂鲁达被流放至此地,他擅长写诗,才华横溢。马里奥每天都收发很多聂鲁达的信件。在频繁的接触中,马里奥越发崇拜这个诗人,他热衷于跟聂鲁达讨论诗,学习诗。当爱上岛上的美丽姑娘后,马里奥经常跟聂鲁达倾诉心事,并最终用诗打动了姑娘的芳心,二人结成伉俪。   直到聂鲁达离开小岛,马里奥仍然坚持着对诗的热爱。他继续写诗,正打算在工人集会上读诗,却遭致了意想不到的灾难。 Postino Il Movie Quotes

No, but it's a kind of radio.
You speak into here... and this repeats what you say.
You speak into it and it repeats what you say?
- How many times?
- As many times as you want.
But you mustn't exaggerate.
Even the most sublime idea seems foolish if heard too often.
Good news?
When I was Senator of the Republic... I went to visit Pampa... a region where it only rains once every 50 years... where life is unimaginably hard.
I wanted to meet the people who had voted for me.
One day... at Lota, there was a man who had come up from a coal mine.
He was a mask of coal dust and sweat... his face... contorted by terrible hardship... his eyes red from the dust.
He stretched out his calloused hand and said: "Wherever you go... speak of this torment.
Speak of your brother who lives underground... in hell."
I felt I had to write something to help man in his struggle... to write the poetry of the mistreated.
That's how "Canto General" came about.
Now my comrades... tell me they have managed to get it published secretly in Chile... and it's selling like hot cakes.
That makes me very happy.
I told them I'm here with a friend who wishes to say hello.
And tell them something nice about this beautiful country.
- Good morning.
- No, in there.