



Children who play outdoor games also tend to sleep better at night.
Improve their concentration.
Boost the immune system.
Do you like going to parks?
Yes, I like to going to parks because they can help me get closer to nature. The fresh air makes me feel calm and peaceful. I also enjoy listening to birds chirping when I'm in a park.
get closer to nature.
feel calm and peaceful. is used by native speakers.
The media.
Why do we need advertisements?
They give us information about new products. creative , entertaining. you can see celebrities. businesses , advertisements are good marketing tools.
Do you prefer watching films at the cinema or at home?
A cinema screen is much larger then a TV screen. The sound quality in the cinema is better. The seats in the cinema are more comfortable. It's easier to concentrate on the film in the cinema. The viewing experience is more enjoyable.
It's more convenient and cheaper to watch films at home. I don't like sitting in a crowded place.
The Internet.
What are the differences between emails and letters?
snail email. time-consuming.
Reading and Writing.
Which do you use more often, pens or pencils?
I use pen more often because notes that are taken with a pen last longer, and I don't need to sharpen my pens.
last longer.
It's easier to draw with a pencil than with a pen.
Do you prefer to type things or to write things on paper?
faster, edit, cut and paste things.
Do you think maths is an important subject at school?
Yes, it's very important because maths skills can help students better understand science, technology and the world around them. Maths can also help students think in a more logical way.