Senna Movie Script


讲述了传奇的巴西赛车冠军艾尔顿·塞纳不朽的一生和惨死的故事。这部电影跨越了塞纳从80年代中期进入一级方程式开始的十年,讲述了塞纳在赛道上与他的死敌、法国世界冠军阿兰·普罗斯特的斗争,以及在赛道外与困扰这项运动的政治的斗争。崇高,精神,但有时,无情-塞纳征服并超越一级方程式,成为全球巨星。私下里,他谦逊、几乎害羞、非常爱国,向他的祖国巴西捐赠了数百万美元,并考虑过赛车之外的生活。然而,在这项运动历史上最黑暗的周末,他在全盛时期被击倒,有3亿人在电视上观看了直播。多年过去了,他在一级方程式赛车中被尊为有史以来最伟大的赛车手,在巴西则被尊为圣人。 The story of the monumental life and tragic death of legendary Brazilian motor-racing Champion, Ayrton Senna. Spanning the decade from his arrival in Formula One in the mid 80's, the film follows Senna's struggles both on track against his nemesis, French World Champion Alain Prost, and off it, against the politics which infest the sport. Sublime, spiritual yet, on occasion, ruthless - Senna conquers and transcends Formula One to become a global superstar. Privately, he is humble, almost shy, and fiercely patriotic, donating millions to his native Brasil and contemplating a life beyond motor-racing. Yet he is struck down in his prime on the blackest weekend in the history of the sport, watched live on television by 300 million people. Years on he is revered in Formula One as the greatest motor racing driver of all time - and in Brasil as a Saint.

So no one has more to lose than myself if I stop, professionally and in my personal life.
In 1993, Ayrton's driving was pure genius.
For me, it was the best season.
He did accomplish some of his greatest drives.
Even though he spent most of his time looking at the back of a Williams car, which was much faster than his.
French racing driver Alain Prost has won the Formula One World Drivers' Championship for the 4th time... Prost won the championship and duly retired, thus getting out of the way.
It seems like a little goodbye from you to McLaren.
Do you think it was the last season for McLaren?
I think so. I think it will be my last season.
Let's try and do it the best we can for both of us.
Of course.
Okay, we'll put behind us what happened.
For sure.
Even without you saying anything, that was my goal.
Yeah, okay.
Even without talking to you, if we didn't talk at all, I wouldn't change... I would just do exactly as I always tried.
Ayrton, what did Ron Dennis say to you when you first got from the car?
It's never too late to change your mind.
But anyway, he said he was happy for me, and... It's funny, but that's what he told me, too.
That's Ron!
I said, you know, we must keep the good times, the good moments, and let's finish that way, finish with the good things.
It was Senna's last race for McLaren, Prost's last race for Williams.
And although nobody knew at the time, it was the last time either of them would be on the podium.
Ladies and gentlemen, Brazilian driver Ayrton Senna.