肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



Just keep spreadin' tar... The guards stiffen at Andy's approach. Youngblood's hand goes to his holster. The tower guards CLICK-CLACK their rifle bolts. Hadley turns, stupefied to find Andy there.
Mr. Hadley. Do you trust your wife?
That's funny. You're gonna look funnier suckin' my dick with no f***in' teeth.
What I mean is, do you think she'd go behind your back? Try to hamstring you?
That's it! Step aside, Mert. This f***er's havin' hisself an accident.
Hadley grabs Andy's collar and propels him violently toward the edge of the roof. The cons furiously keep spreading tar.
Oh God, he's gonna do it, he's gonna throw him off the roof...
Oh sh*t, oh f***, oh Jesus...
Because if you do trust her, there's no reason in the world you can't keep every cent of that money.
Hadley abruptly jerks Andy to a stop right at the edge. In fact, Andy's past the edge, beyond his balance, shoetips scraping the roof. The only thing between him and an ugly drop to the concrete is Hadley's grip on the front of his shirt.
You better start making sense.
If you want to keep that money, all of it, just give it to your wife.
See, the IRS allows you a one-time- only gift to your spouse. It's good up to sixty thousand dollars.
Naw, that ain't right! Tax free?
Tax free. IRS can't touch one cent.
The cons are pausing work, stunned by this business discussion.
You're the smart banker what shot his wife. Why should I believe a smart banker like you? So's I can wind up in here with you?
It's perfectly legal. Go ask the IRS, they'll say the same thing.
Actually, I feel silly telling you all this. I'm sure you would have investigated the matter yourself.
F***in'-A. I don't need no smart wife-killin' banker to show me where the bear sh*t in the buckwheat.
Of course not. But you will need somebody to set up the tax-free gift, and that'll cost you. A lawyer, for example...
Ambulance-chaaing, highway-robbing cocksuckers!
...or come to think of it, I suppose I could set it up for you.
That would save you some money.
I'll write down the forms you need, you can pick them up, and I'll prepare them for your signature... nearly free of charge.