肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



RED (V.O.) ...and by the week Andy was due back, we had enough rocks saved up to keep him busy till Rapture.
ANGLE SHIFTS to Red as he plops a bag of "laundry" on the floor. Leonard and Bob toss a few more down. Red starts pulling out contraband, giving them their commissions.
RED (V.O.) Also got a big shipment in that week. Cigarettes, chewing gum, shoelaces, playing cards with naked ladies on 'em, you name it... (pulls a cardboard tube) ...and, of course, the most important item.
81INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1949) 81 Andy, limping a bit, returns from the infirmary. Red watches from his cell as Andy is brought up and locked away.
82INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1949) 82 Andy finds the cardboard tube lying on his bunk.
GUARD (O.S.) Lights out! The lights go off. Andy opens the tube and pulls out a large rolled poster. He lets it uncurl to the floor. A small scrap of paper flutters out, landing at his feet. The poster is the famous Rita Hayworth pin-up -- one hand behind her head, eyes half closed, sulky lips parted. Andy picks up the scrap of
警卫(O.S.)熄灯!灯灭了。安迪打开管子,拿出一张大卷海报。他让它展开到地板上。一张小纸片飘出,落在他的脚边。这张海报是著名的丽塔·海沃斯(Rita Hayworth)的海报——一只手放在脑后,半闭着眼睛,微抿着嘴唇。安迪捡起那块残片
paper. It reads:
"No charge. Welcome back." Alone in the dark, Andy smiles.
83INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- MORNING (1949) 83 The BUZZER SOUNDS, the cells SLAM OPEN. Cons step from their cells. Andy catches Red's eye, nods his thanks. As the men shuffle down to breakfast, Red glances into Andy's cell -- 84 RED'S POV -- DOLLYING PAST 84 -- and sees Rita in her new place of honor on Andy's wall.
Sunlight casts a harsh barred shadow across her lovely face.
85INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1949) 85 Ernie is mopping the floor. He glances back and sees Warden Norton approach the cellblock with an entourage of a DOZEN GUARDS. Still mopping, Ernie mutters to the nearest cell:
Heads up. They're tossin' cells.
Word travels fast from cell to cell. Cons scramble to tidy up and hide things. Norton enters, nods to his men. The guards pair off in all directions, making their choices at random.
What kind'a contraband you hiding in there, boy?
Cells are opened, occupants displaced, items scattered, mattresses overturned. Whatever contraband is found gets tossed out onto the cellblock floor. Mostly harmless stuff.
A GUARD pulls a sharpened screwdriver out of a mattress, shoots a nasty look at the CON responsible.
Solitary. A week. Make sure he takes his Bible.
Too goddamn dark to read down there.
Add another week for blasphemy.
The man is taken away. Norton's gaze goes up.
Let's try the second tier.
86 2ND TIER 86 Norton arrives, makes a thin show of picking a cell at random.
He motions at Andy on his bunk, reading his Bible. The door is unlocked. Norton enters, trailed by his men. Andy rises.
Good evening.
Norton gives a curt nod. Hadley and Trout start tossing the cell in a thorough search. Norton keeps his eyes on Andy, looking for a wrong glance or nervous blink. He takes the Bible out of Andy's hand.
I'm pleased to see you reading this. Any favorite passages?