肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



LAUGHTER all around. Andy blinks at them.
Son, I've had six wardens through here during my tenure, and I have learned one great immutable truth
of the universe:
ain't one of 'em been born whose a**hole don't pucker up tight as a snare drum when you ask for funds.
93INT -- MAIN BUILDING HALLWAY -- DAY (1949) 93 DOLLYING Norton and Andy up the hall:
Not a dime. My budget's stretched thin as it is.
I see. Perhaps I could write to the State Senate and request funds directly from them.
Far as them Republican boys in Augusta are concerned, there's only three ways to spend the taxpayer's hard-earned when it come to prisons.
More walls. More bars. More guards.
Still, I'd like to try, with your permission. I'll send a letter a week. They can't ignore me forever.
They sure can, but you write your letters if it makes you happy. I'll even mail 'em for you, how's that?
94INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1949) 94 Andy is on his bunk, writing a letter.
RED (V.O.) So Andy started writing a letter a week, just like he said.
95INT -- GUARD DESK/NORTON'S OUTER OFFICE -- DAY (1949) 95 Andy pops his head in. The GUARD shakes his head.
RED (V.O.) And just like Norton said, Andy got no answers. But still he kept on.
96INT -- PRISON LIBRARY/ANDY'S OFFICE -- DAY (1950) 96 Andy is doing taxes. Mert Entwhistle is seated across from him. Other off-duty guards are waiting their turn.
RED (V.O.) The following April, Andy did tax returns for half the guards at Shawshank.
97INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- ONE YEAR LATER (1951) 97 Tax time again. Even more guards are waiting.
RED (V.O.) Year after that, he did them all... including the warden's.
98EXT -- BASEBALL DIAMOND -- DAY (1952) 98 A BATTER in a "Noresby Marauders" baseball uniform WHACKS the ball high into left field and races for first.
RED (V.O.) Year after that, they rescheduled the start of the intramural season to coincide with tax season... 99INT -- PRISON LIBRARY/ANDY'S OFFICE -- DAY (1952) 99 The Batter sits across from Andy. The line winds out the door.
RED (V.O.) The guards on the opposing teams all remembered to bring their W-2's.
Moresby Prison issued you that gun, but you actually had to pay for it?
Damn right, and the holster too.
See, that's all deductible. You get to write that off.
RED (V.O.) Yes sir, Andy was a regular H&R Block. In fact, he got so busy at tax time, he was allowed a staff.