硅之牛仔Silicon Cowboys Movie Script


Three friends dream up the Compaq portable computer at a Texas diner in 1981, and soon find themselves battling mighty IBM for PC supremacy. Their improbable journey altered the future of computing and shaped the world we now know. 1981年,三位朋友在得克萨斯州的一家餐馆里梦想着康柏便携式电脑,很快就发现自己在与强大的IBM争夺PC霸主地位。他们不可思议的旅程改变了计算机的未来,塑造了我们现在所知的世界。

Tv ads with john cleese were a runaway best selling hit.
Inside compaq is capacity equal to 30 diskettes.
I need a vacation.
This decision was sound.
Wrong, but sound.
Kind of makes you want to cry, huh?
I am crying.
Ben rosen:
The same year that we did the john cleese Commercials, apple announced the macintosh With its 1984 commercial.
And we will bury them with their own confusion.
Ah! We shall prevail.
Apple computer officially Unveiled its new macintosh.
The new apple that costs less than $2,500 Is supposed to be one of the easiest computers to use.
What the mac has really brought us is really affordable, High resolution graphics and that Leads us to a whole new generation of software Where pictures and text are both important.
What corporations had to do, because so many Of their creative types wanted apple, Is they had to have a subheading.
Ok, the creative types can have their apple, But apple was not really compatible with the rest Of the world.
And apple really didn't want that world.
Mike swavely:
Apple was not a concern to compaq Because they seemed perfectly happy with their 4% or 5% Market share, and people that bought Apples weren't usually people that were Going to buy compaqs anyway.
Meet the lady. Her name is lisa, and she is the most exciting thing To happen in computers today.
John markoff:
Steve jobs created the lisa, An attempt to do what compaq ultimately did successfully.
It was an attempt to enter the business market for computers And it failed miserably.
Unlimited power-- lisa, from apple.
John markoff:
Despite steve jobs welcoming compaq To this industry, that they had thought that they had Pioneered, steve jobs was gone from his company Within the space of three years.
Compaq basically shook silicon valley to its very foundations.
Chris garcia:
What compaq did give to apple Was that it proved that you could Compete against the monster and succeed.
Well, computer stocks haven't exactly Been the darlings of wall street of late, But as steve young now reports, that Didn't stop compaq from promoting its latest Product in gala fashion.