Son of God Movie Script


Mary! He's here.
Who? Jesus! He's back, at last.
Lady, I believe your son is the promised king of his people.
What is his name?
His name is Jesus.
Amen Amen.
Jesus will now read from Isaiah.
The spirit of the Lord... is upon me, because he has anointed me... to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me... to declare freedom for the captives... and recovery of sight for the blind, to set free those who are oppressed.
Today, this scripture... is fulfilled.
What are you saying?
What are you saying- that you have achieved all this?
That you are the messiah, the chosen one?
Sent by God? No! I'm saying you must accept God's word.
How dare you! That is sacrilege! He has never studied the law! This man knows nothing! His healing is the work of demons.
It has begun.
He undermines our faith! He recruits adulterers! Peter, turn the other cheek.
You'll pay the price for this.
Like your friend John the Baptist.
You haven't heard, have you?
He was executed.
Beheaded! He was a good man.
Baptize me.
John was the greatest teacher I ever knew.
He was more than a prophet.