Spare Parts 拼凑梦想 (2015) Movie Script



I guess if we can get him to perform like this regularly... I'm sitting right here.
Did you want to be part of the planning process?
Do you really want to help us work out our timeline?
Okay, great team spirit. Okay.
You know, when we're done with the timeline, you guys ought to think about some personnel to lift the full-size ROV out of the water, and it's not gonna be light.
Usually, it takes two guys.
And I'd love to help you, but we'd all be disqualified.
Did you pay for this with my money?
It's free, Hector.
So you don't mind if I just play with it like that?
Hey! He ask you to do that?
We're just playing, Luis.
We're just playing, right?
But we're done for now, huh?
What are you doing after school?
Take a good look at this 'cause everything that's on here is something that you guys don't have money for.
- What's MIT?
- Massachusetts institute of Technology.
A school full of hims.
Yeah, but you're not up against them.
You're up against all the kids who will go there eventually.
Probably have access to more money than you do, so, yeah.
You guys got some ground to make up, okay?
If I were you, I would start by hitting up the local businesses first.
Okay, wait. Real quick.