信条Tenet Movie Script

杰瑞发布于26 Oct 11:33


What’s happened’s happened.
(smiles) Which is an expression of faith in the mechanics of the world, not an excuse to do nothing.
Call it what you want.
What do you call it?
Reality. Now let me go.
The Protagonist lets him walk, tears welling up... CALLS OUT – Hey!
(Neil turns) You never did tell me who recruited you.
(smiles) Haven’t you guessed by now? You did. Just not when you thought. You have a future in the past. Years ago for me. Years from now for you.
You’ve known me for years?
(nods) For me, I think this is the end of a beautiful friendship.
But for me it’s just the beginning?
And we get up to some stuff. You’re gonna love it. You’ll see. This whole operation is a temporal pincer.
Yours. You’re only halfway there.
I’ll see you at the beginning, friend.
Neil turns. Follows Ives to board the Chinook. The Protagonist watches him go... NEIL (V.O.) We’re the people saving the world from what might have been... The Protagonist looks down at the algorithm in his hands.
NEIL (V.O.) The world will never know what could’ve happened... He pulls up his collar and walks into the snow... EXT. SCHOOL GATES – AFTERNOON Kat is walking up the road to the school gates.
NEIL (V.O.) ...and even if they did they wouldn’t care... She feels something wrong. Looking across the road, she sees a car with tinted windows shadowing her.
NEIL (V.O.) ...because no one cares about the bomb that didn’t go off... She gets out the dumb phone the Protagonist had given her... NEIL (V.O.) ...just the one that did... INT./EXT. CAR – CONTINUOUS Priya is in the front passenger seat. The DRIVER next to her has a GUN and SILENCER sitting on his knee...
Do it before the boy comes out.
The rear door opens – a dull thud – the Driver is SHOT by a silenced pistol – PROTAGONIST (O.S.) That’s your idea of mercy?
Priya turns – the Protagonist has a gun to the back of her seat.