The therapist called... You did it again!There were no cabs... What was I supposed to do?I worry about you mark!At least I went you're running around like you have to right every wrong in the world.Ok... fine!How angry you know what... I'm a mean guy and I'm pissed off!But... it is a shitstorm out here sweetie. You have no idea the kind of crap people are pulling.And everybody is walking around like they're in a goddamn Enya-video.They're all getting screwed you know!You know what they care about?They care about the ballgame!Or they care about what actresses went into rehab!I, I think you should try medication!No, no, we agreed, if it interfered with work.You hate wall-street, but maybe it's time to quit?I love my job!You hate your job!I love my job!You're miserable!I love my job, I love my job honey!Mark!I am sad every day about what happened.I know you must feel the same, but you never show it!I knew how close you were to your brother.Cab!