The China Hustle Movie Script


An unsettling and eye-opening Wall Street horror story about Chinese companies, the American stock market, and the opportunistic greed behind the biggest heist you've never heard of.

Some believe that China's economic stimulus, following the 2008 financial crisis, has left the financial system with an unusually high percentage of bad debts.
China's not transitioned, uh, to a market economy.
It's not lived up to the commitments it made when it joined the World Trade Organization.
Chinese government props up its state-owned enterprises, also called SOEs, and designated private firms, while limiting market access for U.S. and other foreign firms.
Dan had hoped that Senator Toomey would address some of the questions he'd raised with his staff.
But he left the hearing early.
And it went downhill from there.
I'm not sure that I see this as something that we really need to be too worried about.
What we do need to be worried about more, is the continuation of the imbalances in China and what that might imply... How fast is the Chinese economy growing?
I don't know exactly.
We don't have reliable figures.
You know, I pretty much agree that China's not growing at 6.7 percent.
It's rather growing at something, uh, like 4 percent.
So, if the Chinese credit bubble pops, whether it's sooner or later, dragging the Chinese economy down with it, what kinds of vulnerabilities might we see?
I don't see the impact as being through direct exposure - of United States companies... - So, so you're not worried about the exposure through derivatives that, for example, put our banks, deeply engaged on the question of commodity prices or other financial transactions more direct?
Not through China itself... I'm Dan David.
I believe Tom gave you my book there.
- Oh, yes.
- Yeah.
I'll believe you'll find that-- "The China Hustle." That's right. That's right.
If you, uh, read that and you're interested, I'd love to talk to you about it.
So, couple of hundred billion in fraud, and it continues.
It's not over.
It goes on every day.