旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script


  影片改编自真人真事,讲述了畅销书《无尽的玩笑》作者大卫·福斯特·华莱士(杰森·席格尔 饰)和《滚石》杂志记者(杰西·艾森伯格 饰)一同踏上新书全国宣传之旅过程中发生的故事。

Lipsky works at his computer. Newsweek with the Wallace photo lands on his desk. Lipsky looks up and sees Bob.
There had better be a story there... Bob leaves.
(calls) There will be!
His smile fades. Now what?
18 INT. LIPSKY'S W 77TH ST APT/LIVING ROOM - NYC - 1996 - NIGHT 18 Sarah reads her own copy of Infinite Jest as Lipsky walks back and forth across frame, gathering stuff to pack for his trip. Laptop. Notebook. Wallace’s books, full of notations and post-its. Tape recorder, packs of audio cassettes. He considers then tosses in The Art Fair and zips up his bag.
20 EXT. LIPSKY'S W 77TH ST APT - NYC - 1996 - MORNING 20 A grey wintry morning. Lipsky, outside his building, hails a taxi.
21 I/E. CAB/FDR DRIVE - NYC - 1996 - MORNING 21 Lipsky, in the backseat, reads Infinite Jest; he’s about three-quarters of the way through it. He makes a note in the margin, then glances out the window at the passing skyline.
22 EXT. O'HARE AIRPORT - CHICAGO - 1996 - DAY 22 An American Airlines plane comes in for a landing on the flat, grey, wintry landscape.
25 I/E. CAR/OUTSKIRTS - BLOOMINGTON - 1996 - DAY 25 Lipsky, on the road, drives past a sign for Bloomington.
26 EXT. 7-ELEVEN - BLOOMINGTON - 1996 - DAY 26 An American landscape of fast-food places and chain stores.
Lipsky’s Grand Am is parked in a 7-Eleven and Citco station.
He stands at a pay phone. (We never intercut during telephone conversations.) DAVID’S VOICE (over phone) Hello?
David, hi, it’s David Lipsky.
DAVID’S VOICE Where are you?
I think I may have made a wrong turn somewhere. Let’s see, I’m on County Highway 29, across from Circus Video?
DAVID’S VOICE How’d you get this number?
Your publicist sent it in her e-mail, just in case.
DAVID’S VOICE You’d do me a favor by losing it.
27 I/E. CAR/DAVID'S STREET - BLOOMINGTON - 1996 - DAY 27 Stormy skies. Flat, wintry terrain. As the car pulls up, Lipsky sees, through the windshield, a modest, one-story brick house in the distance, and a man emerging from it.
From Lipsky’s long shot POV: DAVID FOSTER WALLACE, hands shoved in his jeans pockets for warmth, accompanied by his two barking, rambunctious black labs, JEEVES and DRONE.
Lipsky parks. He takes a deep, bracing breath before getting out of the car to finally meet the man about whom he has complicated feelings. He walks toward him.
This is the first time we see David up close and in focus: stubble, long hair, blue bandanna, wire-rims, Frye boots, 6’2” and, at this time in his life, burly.
You made it.