旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script


  影片改编自真人真事,讲述了畅销书《无尽的玩笑》作者大卫·福斯特·华莱士(杰森·席格尔 饰)和《滚石》杂志记者(杰西·艾森伯格 饰)一同踏上新书全国宣传之旅过程中发生的故事。

David goes. Lipsky, his eyes moist, scrambles to get his pad and scribbles notes so he won’t forget David at his most revealing.
102 INT. DAVID'S HOUSE/GUEST ROOM - 1996 - MORNING 102 Morning light falls across Lipsky’s face. The dogs greet him. He stirs, gets up.
103 INT. DAVID’S HOUSE/HALLWAY - 1996 - MORNING 103 Lipsky heads for the bathroom just as David emerges from it.
104 EXT. DAVID'S HOUSE/FIELD - 1996 - MORNING 104 David and Lipsky are out on a wintry field, walking the dogs.
Jeeves, Drone, come! You getinstantaneous production from theJeevester; Drone’s a much tougher nut.
Beautiful out here.
You should see: in the spring, whenthe wind blows, you can see ripples, it’s like water. It’s like the ocean, except it’s real green. I mean, it really is. Calm, real pretty.
(Pause.) Hungry?
You know me.
They turn back toward the house. David calls the dogs.
You should get going.
Yeah. Let me take you someplace nicethis time. Remember, it’s on Jann.
106 EXT. MCDONALD'S/PARKING LOT - BLOOMINGTON - 1996 - DAY 106 Lipsy and David emerge. David tucks into the takeout bag.
Sorry, I can’t wait, I’m suddenly starving, I gotta eat something.
David picks pickles off his bacon double cheeseburger.
You don’t like pickles.
Oh, come on. Now the whole world will know what my mother’s known for years: I’m a picky eater?
He takes a bite.
107 INT. DAVID'S HOUSE/LIVING ROOM - 1996 - DAY 107 The dogs are in David and Lipsky’s faces while the men eat.
Jeeves, sit! You see, Jeeves gets very obedient when food is around.
You sit, Drone. It should be clear by now that you’re not getting any of this.
Drone sits. David feeds both dogs morsels of his food.