旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script

杰瑞发布于21 May 21:17

  影片改编自真人真事,讲述了畅销书《无尽的玩笑》作者大卫·福斯特·华莱士(杰森·席格尔 饰)和《滚石》杂志记者(杰西·艾森伯格 饰)一同踏上新书全国宣传之旅过程中发生的故事。

David goes to put on water. We STAY on Lipsky, casually studying the room with the eye of a journalist, taking in the grad-student-like accoutrements: cramped cinder-block bookshelves; hodgepodge of furniture, an ALANIS MORISSETTE POSTER conspicuously on the wall. Lipsky, glancing out the window at the wintry landscape, raises his voice to converse with David, who’s in the kitchen.
Nice view.
DAVID (O.S.) Thank you. I can’t take credit for it.
Lipsky smiles. Pause.
So... Have you always been unlisted?
(from the kitchen) I had to do that recently. It was getting crazy.
Because of fans?
I don’t know if “fan” would be the right word... I think what happened was, I had forgotten to tell my parents not to give my number out. So it was people who tracked my parents down, and um -
(knowing) Ohhh.
I have this terrible problem, I just really hate to hurt people’s feelings.
So I did something kinda cowardly.
Unlisting your number’s not cowardly.
It kinda is. I mean, I changed my number so these folks couldn’t find me anymore. There was this computer operator in Vancouver, lived in a basement. Who I found really moving.
In terrible terrible pain.
What did he want from you?
Wasn’t clear, and when I would sort of ask him, he’d get angry, and that’s when it got scary.
Lipsky sees a child’s drawing displayed on the fridge: “Chickenhead Dave Wallace.”
the drawing) Who’s the artist?
Hm? (Lipsky points.) Oh, my friend’s daughter. Calls me Chickenhead, and I call her Chickenhead. Her latest salvo in the war.
Laughing, Lipsky takes out his tape recorder and starts to set it up but stops. (Lipsky is a nervous laugher; he laughs a lot, not only where indicated.) 12.
You mind if I...?
Hey. Do what you’ve got to do.
David watches uncomfortably. The ever-present tape recorder becomes a third character in this conversation.