The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script



They're talking to themselves.
They're going to talk to my father, which means they're going to ask him for something, which means they better get it right.
Why do they bother him on a day like this?
Because they know that no Sicilian will refuse a request on his daughter's wedding day.
WEDDING PARTY (SUMMER 1945) CONNIE CORLEONE, the Bride, is pressing the bodice of her overly-fluffy white gown against the groom, CARLO RIZZI. He is bronzed, with curly blondish hair and lovely dimples.
She absolutely adores him and can barely take her eyes from him long enough to thank the various GUESTS for the white envelopes they are putting into the large white purse she holds. In fact, if we watch carefully, we can see that one of her hands is slid under his jacket, and into his shirt, where she is provocatively rubbing the hair on his chest.
CARLO, on the other hand, has his blue eyes trained on the bulging envelopes, and is trying to guess how much cash the things hold.
Discreetly, he moves her hand off of his skin.
(whispered) Cut it out, Connie.
The purse, looped by a ribbon of silk around CONNIE's arm, is fat with money.
PAULIE (O.S.) What do you think? Twenty grand?
A little distance away, a young man, PAULIE GATTO, catches a prosciutto sandwich thrown by a friend, without once taking eyes from the purse.
Who knows? Maybe more. Twenty, thirty grand in small bills cash in that silk purse. Holy Toledo, if this was somebody else's wedding!
SONNY is sitting at the Wedding Dias, talking to LUCY MANCINI, the Maid of Honor. Every once in a while he glances across the courtyard, where his WIFE is talking with some WOMEN.
He bends over and whispers something into LUCY's ear.
SANDRA and the WOMEN are in the middle of a big, ribald laugh.
Is it true what they say about your husband, Sandra?
SANDRA's hands separate with expanding width further and further apart until she bursts into a peal of laughter.
Through her separated hands she sees the Wedding Dais.
SONNY and LUCY are gone.
DON'S HALL & STAIRS (SUMMER 1945) The empty hallway. The bathroom door opens and LUCY surreptitiously steps out.
She looks up where SONNY is standing on the second landing, motioning for her to come up.
She lifts her petticoats off the ground and hurries upstairs.
(in a spooky low tone) Michael, that scarey guy...Is he a relative?