The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script

杰瑞发布于28 Mar 14:06


I'll have some men there inside of fifteen minutes. Sit tight, and don't panic.
(furiously, but kept inside) I won't panic.
He hangs up; returns to the NURSE...
You cannot stay here...I'm sorry.
(coldly) You and I are going to move my father right another room on another floor...Can you disconnect those tubes so we can wheel the bed out?
Absolutely not! We have to get permission from the Doctor.
You've read about my father in the papers. You've seen that no one's here to guard him. Now I've just gotten word that men are coming to this hospital to kill him. Believe me and help me.
(frightened) We don't have to disconnect them, we can wheel the stand with the bed.
She does so...and they perform the very difficult task of moving the bed and the apparatus, out of the room.
4TH FLOOR HOSPITAL (WINTER 1945) They roll the bed, the stand, and all the tubes silently down the corridor. We hear FOOTSTEPS coming up the stairs.
MICHAEL hears them, stops.
Hurry, into there.
They push it into the first available room. MICHAEL peeks out from the door. The footsteps are louder; then they emerge. It is ENZO, NAZORINE's helper, carrying a bouquet of flowers.
(stepping out) Who is it?
ENZO: you remember me, Enzo, the baker's helper to Nazorine, now his son-in-law.
Enzo, get out of here. There's going to be trouble.
A look of fear sweeps through ENZO's face.
If there...will be trouble...I stay with you, to help. I owe it to the Godfather.
MICHAEL thinks, realizes he needs all the help he can get.
Go outside; stand in front...I'll be out in a minute.
DON'S SECOND HOSPITAL ROOM (WINTER 1945) They part. MICHAEL moves into the hospital room where they put his FATHER.
(frightened) He's awake.
MICHAEL looks at the OLD MAN, his eyes are open, though he cannot speak. MICHAEL touches his face tenderly.
Pop...Pop, it's me Michael. Shhhh, don't try to speak. There are men who are coming to try to kill you.
But I'm with you...I'm with you now... The OLD MAN tries to speak...but cannot. MICHAEL tenderly puts his finger to his FATHER's lips.