The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script


The compelling sequel to "The Godfather", contrasting the life of Corleone father and son. Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. Michael survives many misfortunes and Vito is introduced to a life of crime.

Where can we meet alone?
Michael indicates the boathouse a distance away, where Neri seems to be waiting for them. Then Michael leans to Rocco:
Find Hagen.
Rocco sets off; as more pictures are taken, and the: BOYS' CHOIR sings its lovely arrangement of "Mr. Wonderful."
INT. TAHOE BOATHOUSE - MED. VIEW - DAY Michael, the Senator, Neri and Rocco make a group in the dark, large room.
It was very kind of you to come to my home on this occasion, Senator.
My wife has been very concerned with making a good impression on the people who are our neighbors, and your appearance here has made her very happy. If I can ever perform a service for you, you only have to ask.
The door opens, and Hagen sheepishly makes his way in.
My lawyer, Tom Hagen. He arranged this all through your man Turnbull.
I thought we would meet alone.
I trust these men with my life.
They are my right arms; I cannot insult them by sending them away.
(taking out some medication) Some water.
He addresses that to Neri, who resentfully goes to fetch the Senator a glass of water.
Alright, Corleone. I'm going to be very frank with you. Maybe more frank than any man in my position has ever spoken to you before.
Michael nods, indicating that he should do so.
The Corleone family controls two major hotels in Vegas; one in Reno.
The licenses were grandfathered in, so you had no difficulties with the Gaming Commission. But I have the idea from sources... (takes the water from Neri and swallows his pills) ...that you're planning to move in on the Tropicana. In another week or so you'll move Klingman out, which leaves you with only one technicality. The license, which is now in Klingman's name.
Turnbull is a good man.
Let's forget the bullshit, I don't want to stay here any longer than I have to. You can have the license for two hundred and fifty thousand in cash, plus a monthly fee equal to five percent of the gross... Michael is taken aback; he looks at Hagen.
...of all three Corleone hotels.
Hagen is frustrated; all his information was wrong.
Senator Geary, I speak to you as a businessman who has made a large investment in your state. I have made that state my home; plan to raise my children here. The license fee from the Gambling Commission costs one thousand dollars; why would I ever consider paying more?
I'm going to squeeze you, Corleone, because I don't like you; I don't like the kind of man you are. I despise your masquerade, and the dishonest way you pose yourself and your f***ing family.
glances at Michael.