The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script


The compelling sequel to "The Godfather", contrasting the life of Corleone father and son. Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. Michael survives many misfortunes and Vito is introduced to a life of crime.

You're a considerate young man.
You're a great man, Mr. Roth, I have much to learn from you.
(warmly) However I can help you...
The Rosato Brothers have performed services for you in the past; I understand that they are under your protection.
(simply) We do favors for each other...
Technically, they are still under the Clemenza wing of the Corleone Family, now run by Frankie Pentangeli. After Clemenza died, the Rosatos wanted territory of their own. Pentangeli refused, and came to me, asking for permission to eliminate them. I, of course, knew of their relationship with you, and in gratitude for your help with the Tropicana matter, turned him down. Pentangeli was furious, and paid one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to have me killed.
I was lucky and he was stupid.
I'll visit him soon.
(leaning toward the old man, sincerely) The important thing is that nothing jeopardize our plans, yours and mine. This thing of ours, that we will build.
The old man touches Michael's hand, warmly.
Nothing is more important.
(quietly) Pentangeli is a dead man; do you object?
It's always bad for business; but you have no choice.
Then it's done. I must choose his
it cannot be Rosato.
Of course you must keep control of your family.
He turns to Michael, turning the volume higher on the television, and moving closer to his young partner.
Michael, these things are unimportant. Who should be the manager of a dime store, Joe or Jack? Unimportant. You do what you think is right. You're a young man, and I'm old and sick. What we do together in the next few months will be history, Michael; it has never been done before. We will do this historical thing together, and even your Father could never dream it would be possible. We are bigger than U.S. Steel, you and me... because in America, anything is possible!
(pause) But soon I will be dead, and it will all belong to you.
There is a KNOCK on the door, and Terri Roth pushes the door open with her hip.
My goodness, you'll rupture your eardrums, Hyman.
She puts the tray down, and turns down the television.
EXT. ROTH'S HOUSE - MED. VIEW - DAY The sinister Bussetta waits patiently in the rear seat of the car, outside Roth's modest house.
EXT. DOWNTOWN NEW YORK - MOVING VIEW - DAY A black Cadillac moves down the street, slowed by the Festivities of the Festa that is in progress: people milling around, buying souvenirs at the many stands set up.
Sausage and grilled meats are prepared, just as they were years ago. Electric lights are strung from the street lamps, and brightly colored banners pronounce the "Festa of the Madonna."