The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script


The compelling sequel to "The Godfather", contrasting the life of Corleone father and son. Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. Michael survives many misfortunes and Vito is introduced to a life of crime.

I was told the Cubans now call this
"La Mentira."
I still don't speak Spanish, Michael.
It means... "The Lie."
A moment's hesitation, then a few of the men laugh. Now two Cubans in white carry a table which has a lovely small cake on it.
The cake is here.
They all raise their glasses to the old man.
(ad lib) Happy Birthday!
Roth glances at the cake and its inscription, is pleased.
I hope my age is correct: I am always accurate about my age.
Some laugh. He nods, and they begin to cut it, put a piece on plates, and carry them to the different men.
Everything we've learned in Vegas is true here; but we can go further.
The bigger, the swankier, the plusher the store, the more a sense of legitimacy, and the bigger business we do.
(looking at the plate brought to him) A smaller piece. What we've proposed to the Cuban Government is that it put up half the cash on a dollar for dollar basis.
(accepting a smaller piece) Thank you. We can find people in the United States who will put up our share for a small piece of the action, yet we will retain control.
ONE OF THE MEN: How much?
A hundred million dollars. But only if this Government relaxes its restrictions on importing building materials; we'll need some new laws, too, but that will be no difficulty.
What are import duties now?
As much as seventy percent. Also, I'm working out an arrangement with the Minister of Labor so that all our pit bosses, stick-men and Dealers, can be considered specialized technicians eligible for two year visas. As of now they're only allowed in Cuba for six months at a time. In short, we're in a full partnership with the Cuban Government.
is handed a piece of cake. Roth moves over to a folder of documents.
(continuing) Here are applications from Friends all over the States. I understand Santo Virgilio in Tampa is trying to make his own deal. Well, the Cuban Government will brush him off.
The Lakeville Road Boys are going to take over the Nacionale here.
I'm planning a new hotel casino to be known as Riviera. The new Capri will go to the Corleone Family.
MED. VIEW The cake is sliced and carried to each of the men.
Then there's the Sevilla Biltmore; the Havana Hilton, which is going to cost twenty-four million -- Cuban banks will put up half, the Teamsters will bankroll the rest.