The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script


The compelling sequel to "The Godfather", contrasting the life of Corleone father and son. Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. Michael survives many misfortunes and Vito is introduced to a life of crime.

Does she blame it on me? The baby?
I don't know.
EXT. TAHOE ESTATE - DAY The first snow of the New Year has fallen; the trees are bare, and there is hush all over this part of the Sierras.
Michael is driven in his car, looking out at the familiar sight of the home he has been forced to be away from.
looking out from his window. The last time he had seen the estate it was warm, and the trees were full.
approaching the great stone gates; closed. The bodyguards are not readily visible, but they are there. The iron gates are opened, and one of the men makes a simple nod of respect, as the car pulls in.
Inside the estate, the private roads have been freshly plowed, and occasionally a worker will pause to watch the car as it passes.
The Grandchildren are in school now, and so the estate is especially quiet. Although there are signs that children live here; a bicycle, a sled, a swing and gymnastic set, wet and with a rim of snow still on it.
INT. MICHAEL'S HOUSE - VIEW FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE - DAY to the outside, where Michael walks slowly. He stops and looks at a little Italian red sportscar made for children.
The front door opens, and Michael enters his own home. It is very quiet, no one is at home to greet him. He can see the evidence of his family; things his wife and his children have been using, and left on a sofa or a table.
He moves toward his and Kay's bedroom, where we can HEAR the SOUND of a sewing machine running.
Quietly he opens the door.
MICHAEL'S VIEW into the bedroom. Kay is sitting by the window, lit by the cold afternoon light, at work with her sewing machine. She hasn't noticed that he's in the room yet, and goes on with her work.
stands there a moment, watching, not making a sound. And then without a word, he steps back, and closes the door, so that she doesn't see him.
VIEW FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE onto Michael, moving outside, walking through the snow, he moves to the house next to his own.
INT. CONNIE'S HOUSE - DAY This is the house where Mama lives with Connie's children, Connie so rarely is there.
He steps in; his mother is asleep in a chair in the living room. He moves to her, and bends low, whispers.
Mom... Mom... She opens her eyes, which are red and small with age.
(Sicilian) It's Michael. How are you, Mom?
(Sicilian) I'm alright. Will you stay home for awhile?
(Sicilian) There are still things I have to do.
(Sicilian) Well, we can all have a nice dinner together tonight. How are your eyes?
Alright. They bother me once in awhile.
(a pause as he thinks) Tell me, when Pop had troubles... did he ever think, even to himself, that he had gone the wrong way; that maybe by trying to be strong and trying to protect his family, that he could... that he could... lose it instead?
(Sicilian) You talk about the baby. She can have another baby.