The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script


The compelling sequel to "The Godfather", contrasting the life of Corleone father and son. Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. Michael survives many misfortunes and Vito is introduced to a life of crime.

The Barretts from Rubicon Bay came by in a new speedboat. Rocco tried to say she wasn't in, but Kay spotted them and asked if they would take her and the kids for a ride. That was three hours ago.
(furious) Why didn't someone tell me!
I wanted to tell you alone; your wife doesn't know what's going on.
Hagen rushes out of the house.
EXT. TAHOE LAWN - DAY Hagen moves quickly out of Michael's house; moving across the lawn to the boathouse.
This time he ignores the thrown ball, and moves directly to Rocco, who is by some men near the boathouse.
I know. I went down to the Barrett house. But she's gone. They drove her and the kids to North Tahoe airport.
Goddamn it, where were you?
I was in my house. Willy tried, but it would have taken some strong-arm to stop her, and he figured you wouldn't want that.
INT. THE BOATHOUSE - DAY They enter the boathouse.
(to one of the men) Get me a Scotch and water.
The man hurries behind the bar.
She took a flight to San Francisco.
We figure she's going to connect to New Hampshire; her parents' place.
(almost to himself) I can't let him down.
He swallows the drink down in several gulps. And then looks up to his men watching him. He's embarrassed to have shown such weakness.
All right, let me think a minute.
Rocco clears the men out.
Me too, Tom?
Yeah, give me a minute.
Rocco gone, Hagen moves behind the enormous bar, and pours himself a giant drink. He drinks that, and calms himself.
Oh Christ, Pop. It was so good when you were alive. I felt I could handle anything... EXT. VIEW FROM BOAT - FULL VIEW - DAY A beautiful coastal view of a tropical Caribbean city. An extraordinary view, high buildings, palm trees, all set right on the bay.
MED. CLOSE VIEW ON MICHAEL on the cruiser, Bussetta a little distance away, watching, but never speaking. The dark-skinned CAPTAIN of the cruiser keeps pointing repeatedly.