The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script

杰瑞发布于28 Mar 14:35

The compelling sequel to "The Godfather", contrasting the life of Corleone father and son. Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. Michael survives many misfortunes and Vito is introduced to a life of crime.

The Don happily regards his family; his sons and daughters and even some Grandchildren. He raises a glass.
A good life, a long life to all my children, and friends. To my grandchildren, and those that will be. To our family.
They all drink.
They refill glasses; then Tessio proposes a toast.
To our Godfather.
They all drink.
INT. THE DINING ROOM - MED. VIEW - NIGHT The family is happily at Christmas dinner. Don Corleone seated at the head of the table.
What'd you think of those Japs, eh?
The nerve of those Japs, coming right here in our own backyard dropping bombs!
Well, we could have expected it after the embargo.
Hey! Expect it or not, those Japs don't have a right to drop bombs in our backyard. Whose side you on?
Please, do we have to talk about the war at the table? On Christmas, much less.
He has been listening to this discussion.
Pop, I've decided I'm going to enlist.
A quiet hush descends over the table, as though everyone knows the effect this will have on the old man. Sonny tries to make light of it.
Kid, stay in college. The girls are cuter, if you know what I mean.
Pop had to pull a lot of strings to get you your deferment.
I never asked for it; I don't want it.
VIEW ON DON CORLEONE Disturbed; but wise and prudent.
My son wants to talk about this, and so we'll talk, but not at the dinner table.
He rises, and starts across the room toward his study. Then he looks back.
He disappears into his study. Michael rises, glances around.
People are generally tense over the situation. Michael follows his father into the study.
INT. DON CORLEONE'S OLD STUDY - NIGHT The Don closes the door behind his son, and then moves across the room. He stops at the little bar there, and pours himself a brandy.