国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script


England's Prince Albert (Colin Firth) must ascend the throne as King George VI, but he has a speech impediment. Knowing that the country needs her husband to be able to communicate effectively, Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter) hires Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush), an Australian actor and speech therapist, to help him overcome his stammer. An extraordinary friendship develops between the two men, as Logue uses unconventional means to teach the monarch how to speak with confidence.

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On the balcony of the Castle, decorated with black bunting, is a huge BBC microphone, and arrayed in front of it a row of uniformed dignitaries wearing Naval hats of the Napoleonic Wars, replete with ostrich feathers.
One of the dignitaries reads a declaration: DIGNITARY: Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to call to His mercy our late Sovereign, King George the Fifth of blessed and glorious memory... During this, INTERCUT to the REVERSE ANGLE, showing a massive military parade, mainly Navy personnel, wending its way through the main street of Windsor towards the Castle, accompanying a gun carriage on which rides the King's coffin, draped with the Royal standard, on which rests the Royal Crown topped by a Maltese Cross.
David is seen - very serious.
DIGNITARY (CONT'D) ...that the High and Mighty Prince Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David is now become our only lawful King.
Canons are fired.
Startled by the salute, a large flock of blackbirds rise up and streak across the wintery sky.
A MURMUR, then a shocked GASP, as the gun carriage transverses a tram track and tilts precipitously. Suddenly the Royal Crown tumbles and falls, knocking off the Maltese Cross.
COSMO LANG (O.C.) Oh bloody Hell!
WINSTON CHURCHILL (O.C.) A bad omen, Your Grace?
The Archbishop and Churchill are watching the events from the shadows at one end of the balcony.
Below - a scramble to restore the Cross to the Crown, and replace both atop the coffin.
COSMO LANG: Don't be disingenuous. For our late King's crown to fall from his coffin is not a fortuitous portent. What ever is going to happen next?
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WINSTON CHURCHILL Is that be the motto of the new reign?
Indeed, will there actually be "a new reign"?
COSMO LANG: Winston! I'm deeply shocked.
WINSTON CHURCHILL You don't look it.
COSMO LANG: My function requires me to appear serene.
WINSTON CHURCHILL That may be increasingly difficult to maintain. I've been informed by no less an authority than the Prime Minister that our populace has no objection to Royal fornication, but will never tolerate adultery.
COSMO LANG: Well, since we cannot acquire a new populace, perhaps we need a new King?
WINSTON CHURCHILL My turn to be profoundly shocked.
Neither look the slightest traumatized.
COSMO LANG: Scoff, Churchill! Go on... scoff! But you more than others know full well we'll soon be under siege from the forces of darkness.
WINSTON CHURCHILL The winds of war...a gathering storm?