铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script


故事发生在1660年的法国,国王路易(理查德·查伯兰 Richard Chamberlain 饰)整日沉湎于酒色之中,无心朝政,使臣民们生活在水深火热之中。路易有一个孪生弟弟名为菲利普(理查德·查伯兰 Richard Chamberlain 饰),史书中记载的菲利普刚刚出生便已夭折,可实际上,他被偷偷送往阿尔卑斯山的一个庄园中,隐姓埋名,生长在此。   国王的昏庸让内务大臣科贝尔(拉尔夫·理查德森 Ralph Richardson 饰)和火枪手队长达达尼昂(路易斯·乔丹 Louis Jourdan 饰)感到大为不满,他们决定找到菲利普,扶持他推翻哥哥的统治,登上王位。贪婪的财政大臣富凯(帕特里克·麦高汉 Patrick McGoohan 饰)早先一步找到了菲利普,他和国王一起设计,给菲利普带上铁面,投入了深牢之中。 Paris is starving, but the King of France is more interested in money and bedding women. When a young soldier dies for the sake of a shag, Aramis, Athos and Porthos band together with a plan to replace the king. Unknown to many, there is a 2nd king, a twin, hidden at birth, then imprisoned for 6 years behind an iron mask. All that remains now is D'Artagnan, will he stand against his long time friends, or do what is best for his country?

From the heavily barred door to their rear comes a powerful pounding; the Bastille's soldiers are trying to break it down. Time is running out.
Aramis looks back down the corridor toward the door to the outside, barred now by Louis and his young guards, their long muskets bristling like spikes; and yet that way is the only possible hope for escape to the outside.
D'Artagnan... Those are young Musketeers down there. They have been weaned on our legends. They revere us -- it is an advantage.
Why don't we charge them?
D'ARTAGNAN I trained those men myself. They will stand and fight. But if we are to die, let it be this way.
He draws his sword and points it into the air. Aramis lifts the tip of his sword to join that of d'Artagnan. Porthos does too... and then Athos joins them.
One for all. All for one.
If I could have a blade, then I would be please to run with you.
D'Artagnan gives Phillippe a dagger. They look at each other. Then d'Artagnan begins to scream. The others take up the shout. Then they step around the corner, and charge.
THE LAST CHARGE OF THE MUSKETEERS We film it in all its glory, a visual feast: the Last Charge of the Musketeers. Their capes swirl about time, their hair flies, their legs take on new life.
At first the young Musketeers at the end of the corridor are frozen in surprise; their youthful Lieutenant is awed by the dashing, beautiful bravery of the thing.
LIEUTENANT: Magnificent valor...
Shoot them! Shoot them!
Louis grabs a musket from one of the reluctant soldiers and
SSSBOOM! With the first explosion of gunfire the others pull their triggers; the powder in their weapons flashes and crashes... The musket balls fly down the hallway, sparking off the stone walls and floor, ricocheting, punching holes through the capes and flesh... but still the Musketeers charge like the young men they once were -- still are, in spirit.
In the confines of the Bastille's stone corridor the noise is deafening, and the space in front of the guards is filled with the dense gray smoke of the gunpowder. None of them can see anything beyond it... and all is quiet.
LIEUTENANT: Draw blades!
The King's Guards draw their swords, and wait; are all the old Musketeers dead?
Slowly the figures emerge from the smoke -- in SLOW MOTION, walking now, no need to run. All are wounded, but all are still alive.
The Four Musketeers, along with Phillippe, move slowly and steadily toward the blades of the young Guards; a fight to the death? So be it.
But the young Lieutenant will have none of it; as one of his men lifts a sword to plunge it into the chest of d'Artagnan, the young Lieutenant bats the sword down, with his own.
He steps forward toward d'Artagnan; but instead of thrusting his sword he salutes with it.
His men follow suit, saluting and bowing to the courage of these men they have grown up wanting to follow.
King Louis, for the moment, is frozen.