火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script


《火星一代人》结合纪录片采访手法和剧情片的结构,讲述了人类自把火星作为最理想的探索星球以后,NASA美国航天局组织太空夏令营,其中的青少年们如何钻研和探索火星秘密的故事。据介绍,影片的核心围绕着一群青少年炽热的梦想和乐观精神展开。 Aspiring teenage astronauts reveal that a journey to Mars is closer than you think.

This is our orbital outhouse right here.
It serves for two functions.
And, of course, you do have your privacy.
There's a little door.
One of the really important things about living and working in space long term is to learn how to recycle all the things you need, rather than bring them up from the Earth.
[Marisa] Some of the obstacles that we face heading to Mars is we need water.
Water is a major resource.
Right now, we're working with the ECLSS system where we can turn our own urine into water.
-[camper] Oh, lost volume, OK I got you.
-[camper] We lost like a few milligrams.
[general chatter] The thing is, if we were to use the cotton we would lose so much.
[Zoe] ECLSS is the Environmental Control and Life Support System.
It is the way that astronauts breathe and it purifies the water on the ISS for them.
It's still at 100.
Where's ammonia?
-Yeah, ammo chips.
Mars is the next place that we should explore, because we've already been to the Moon and Mars just seems like the next step.
I want to test the pasta cause it could absorb some of the color.
[camper] That's what I'm thinking.
[Zoe] Mars has so many cool things.
Like it has water and the possibility of old extraterrestrial life that doesn't exist there anymore.
So it would be great to see if we could find some answers to all of that.
-I think maybe gravel and then charcoal.
-And then ammonia and then sand.