火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script


《火星一代人》结合纪录片采访手法和剧情片的结构,讲述了人类自把火星作为最理想的探索星球以后,NASA美国航天局组织太空夏令营,其中的青少年们如何钻研和探索火星秘密的故事。据介绍,影片的核心围绕着一群青少年炽热的梦想和乐观精神展开。 Aspiring teenage astronauts reveal that a journey to Mars is closer than you think.

Yet inside the crew module it's room temperature.
It's just like in here.
[camper] I think we're feeling pretty confident.
Ours is destined to survive.
Failure is not an option for us.
[laughter] [camper] Hey, I believe in it.
-So far so good!
-That's how good ours is!
-Propane's afraid to start.
-Yeah, really!
[Victoria] My team this year is really amazing.
I could not have asked to be put with a better group of kids.
The vast commonology of space does bring us together.
OK... Oh, man.
-Ooh, it's very concentrated!
-[camper] It's cooking.
Look at that heat dispersion. See that?
[all chat at once] I'm seeing some smoke!
At school I do sometimes feel like the odd man out, because I'm very much into space.
Come on, come on... -Yikes!
-We're hitting steel.
I was bullied since third grade, and that has definitely taken a toll.
Don't jinx it!
[camper] The foil is starting to come out, like the heat.
One time, we were doing an experiment in science class and my partner picked me because she said apparently I looked smart.