火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script


《火星一代人》结合纪录片采访手法和剧情片的结构,讲述了人类自把火星作为最理想的探索星球以后,NASA美国航天局组织太空夏令营,其中的青少年们如何钻研和探索火星秘密的故事。据介绍,影片的核心围绕着一群青少年炽热的梦想和乐观精神展开。 Aspiring teenage astronauts reveal that a journey to Mars is closer than you think.

And you could look at a picture of a gorgeous green mountain and a lake and not know what planet you're looking at.
[deGrasse Tyson] It's a brand new planet, who knows what future economies await us on that planetary surface?
Even if you can't think of one now, it doesn't mean there isn't one.
And especially given the history of exploration and discovery, there probably will be.
[Kluger] When you go somewhere else and live in a wild, rustic life, you've made the decision that that kind of life, the world you're building, is more valuable to you than the world that's already built.
Your motivation is to live here, to settle here, to die here.
Because what you have in mind is three, five, a hundred generations beyond you, and you've made the decision that you're going to be the first stake in the ground of that new world.
[chatter] [Jace] Tell Orion that you're gonna start their primary ingress checklist for Commander and Pilot and DDP 1 and 2 and B 1 and 2.
[Colin] All right, so...you first, Orion, on F1.
Primary ingress checklist for Pilot and Commander... All right, IDP CR22 power is on.
Major functions set to DNC.
We ordered that pizza 45 minutes ago.
It's been over 30 minutes. It's free now.
No it's not.
They stopped doing that anyway.
[Patrick] I want my free pizza!
-[Raj] All checklists are done.
-Yay! Ascent procedures.
[Raj] Everyone switch to ascent procedures.
[all] Five, four, three, two, one... [camper] Oh my goodness! That is amazing.
[Dr. Thomas] One thing that's impressed me the most, of anything else, is that kids today have that same drive, that same interest, that same passion for space exploration that I had as a young boy watching the first American launch into space.
-[camper] That's a lot of retro.
-[Raj] All right, listen up Orion.
Now we're done with launch so start focusing on our checklist again.
Our engines are turned off.