火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script


载人航天宇宙飞船阿瑞斯3号成功抵达火星,谁知一场破坏力极其巨大的风暴向宇航员们袭来,阿瑞斯3号被迫中断任务,紧急返航。撤离途中,宇航员马克·沃特尼(马特·达蒙 Matt Damon 饰)被飞船上吹落的零件击中,由于生还希望渺茫,队友们只得匆匆返航,并向世人宣告他已牺牲的事实。出乎意料的是,马克以极低的概率活了下来。他躲进驻火星的航天基地疗伤。下一次火星任务要等到四年后,而基地内的补给仅够他维持31天。短暂的绝望后,马克决定利用有限的食物,在这颗空无一人的星球上种植作物,寻找一线生机。与此同时,地球方面也很快发现马克生还的事实,他们想尽办法部署营救计划。孤军奋战的马克,能否等到救援队伍的到来?

Because of the whole "fire makes everybody die in space" thing.
So, everything they sent us up here with is flame-retardant... with the notable exception of... Martinez's personal items.
I am sorry, Martinez.
But if you didn't want me to go through your stuff... you shouldn't have left me for dead on a desolate planet.
By the way, I'm figuring you're gonna be fine with this, given my present situation.
What's everybody doing?
Taking a holiday from being cool?
Counting on you.
So, yeah, I blew myself up.
Best guess... I forgot to account for the excess oxygen... that I've been exhaling when I did my calculations.
Because I'm stupid.
Yeah, I'm gonna get back to work here... just as soon as my ears stop ringing.
Interesting side note, this is actually how the Jet Propulsion Lab was founded.
Five guys at Caltech were trying to make rocket fuel... and they nearly burned down their dorm.
And rather than expel them... they banished them to a nearby farm, told them to keep working.
And now we have a space program.
Hey, there.
The nation was blessed to have Mark serving in our space program.
While his loss will be deeply felt... the men and women of NASA will soldier forth... onward and upward in the mission of their agency.
By doing so, they honor the legacy Mark's leaving behind... and they ensure his sacrifice will not be in vain.
I have the honor of speaking not only for the men and women of NASA... but for people all over the world... I thought you gave a lovely speech, by the way.
I need you to authorize my satellite time.
It's not gonna happen.
We're funded for five Ares missions.