The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script


Synopsis: The Sixth Sense is a 1999 American supernatural horror-thriller film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. The film tells the story of Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment), a troubled, isolated boy who is able to see and talk to the dead, and an equally troubled child psychologist (Bruce Willis) who tries to help him. The film established Shyamalan as a writer and director, and introduced the cinema public to his traits, most notably his affinity for surprise endings. Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller Actors: Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment, Toni Collette, Olivia Williams Production: Hollywood/Buena Vista Nominated for 6 Oscars. Another 32 wins & 48 nominations. IMDB: 8.1 Metacritic: 64 Rotten Tomatoes: 85%


EXT. PHILADELPHIA - DAWN Old Philadelphia awakens... For a moment, it's like we're back in time. A golden sun dances on the waters of Penns Landing. Historical old ships sit docked in its harbor... The dark bronze surface of the Liberty Bell reflects the dawn... A majestic Independence Hall stands watch as its city begins to stir... A thirty foot statue of Ben Franklin makes a proud silhouette against the morning sky... AND THEN 1997 COMES CRASHING IN. FLUORESCENT HOUSE LIGHTS COME ON IN WINDOWS... Jeeps and hatchbacks start roaming the cobblestone streets... Neon restaurants signs flicker to life... Traffic helicopters make their rounds... CAR ALARMS PIERCE THE AIR.

INT. LAUNDRY ROOM - MORNING A hand turns off a radio, shutting off the morning news. A small dog with two different colored eyes sticks his head out of the dryer, where he plays with the newly-dried clothes. LYNN SEAR reaches in and pulls out a blouse. She shakes it in the air and slips it on as she dresses hurriedly for work. Lynn is a woman in her late twenties. One hundred percent South Philly. Hair teased. She chews on an early morning piece of Trident. Under all of it, Lynn Sear is an attractive and sweet-looking young woman. Lynn enters THE KITCHEN through a swinging door. A bowl of cereal and milk sit on a table in an empty kitchen. Lynn stares at a handful of kitchen CABINETS and DRAWERS that are open. Lynn shakes her head.
Cole. She closes them one at a time before moving to the coffee machine. Lynn shivers a little. She leans over the thermostat and raises the heat. She returns to her post at the coffee machine. TINY FOOTSTEPS. Lynn turns to see Cole standing in his private school uniform.
Your Cocoa Puffs are getting soggy. Lynn walks over to Cole. Checks his tie.
You got a spot. Lynn unclips the tie. Cole takes a seat at the kitchen table as Lynn walks back into the laundry room. The dog is gone now. Lynn reaches into the dryer, digging for a new tie. She finds one, then turns and steps back into the kitchen and SCREAMS AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS. Every cabinet and every drawer is wide open. Cole sits at the kitchen table. His hands are pressed flat on the tabletop. He looks shaken.Neither says anything for a beat.
(shaken) Something you were looking for, baby? Beat.
(shaken) Pop Tarts. Lynn looks over to the open cabinet near the sink. The pop tarts are clearly visible.
They're right here.
Oh. Cole gets up from the table. Takes his pop tarts. Doesn't make eye contact.
What are you thinking, Momma?
Lots of things.
Anything bad about me? Lynn leans down.
Look at my face. Cole does.
I wasn't thinking anything bad about you, got it? He looks at her eyes. Beat.
(soft) That's Tommy, Momma. Cole quietly kisses his mother on the cheek and starts out.
Don't you want this? Cole turns to see Lynn holding the pop tarts. He walks back and takes them from her before leaving. Beat. Lynn glances to the kitchen table. Her gaze stops on the TWO TINY HAND PRINTS OF SWEAT formed on the table's surface. Lynn stands motionless in the kitchen. She looks up and wraps her arms around her shivering shoulders.

EXT. BROWNSTONE STREET - MORNING TOMMY TAMMISIMO is a tough-looking, eight-year-old Italian kid who waits at the bottom of Cole's brownstone stairs in his school uniform. Cole emerges from the brownstone and moves down the steps. Lynn's face appears in the kitchen window. The two boys begin their walk down the street to school. Tommy puts his arm around Cole. Lynn waves. Cole waves back. When the two boys turn the corner and are out of Lynn's sight, Tommy rips his arm away.
Hey freak, how'd you like the "arm around your shoulder" bit. I just made it up. Went with it. That's what great actors do. It's called improv. Tommy starts to run ahead, he turns and back pedals.
(taunting) Be careful... I hope no one jumps out and gets you. Tommy runs away. Beat. Cole looks around nervously.

EXT. ST. ANTHONY'S ACADEMY - MORNING The last uniformed boys and girls rush into the front doors of St. Anthony's Academy as the FINAL BELL SOUNDS. Cole is the last one to go in. He stands alone on the sidewalk. He looks like he'd rather be anywhere but there. Beat. He buries his hands in his pockets and begins a quiet walk by himself into the school.

INT. COLE'S HOME - AFTERNOON The front door CREAKS open as Cole walks in after school. He looks around before closing the door. His eyes stop on Lynn seated in the open doorway of the den. Malcolm is seated with her. They both look up. Lynn comes out. She reaches Cole -- kneels down in front of him.
(whispers) How was school, baby? Cole shrugs.
(whispers) You know, you can tell me things if you need to. Cole doesn't respond. Beat.
(whispers) Well, you know what I did today? Cole shakes his head "No."