社交网络 The Social Network Movie Script


《社交网络》(The Social Network)根据本·麦兹里奇的小说《意外的亿万富翁:Facebook的创立,一个关于性、金钱、天才和背叛的故事》改编而成。由大卫·芬奇执导,杰西·艾森伯格、安德鲁·加菲尔德、贾斯汀·汀布莱克和艾米·汉莫等联袂出演。该片于2010年10月1日在美国上映。

The two boats are neck and neck coming out of the bridge. The port-side boat is being crewed by the two Dutch members of the Ilollandia Roeiclub. The starboard boat is being crewed by a pair of identical twins wearing tank tops bearing the "H" of Harvard.
We HEAR the ROAR come up from the CROWD in the viewing section. The crowd is dressed as if for opening day at Ascot -- the women in flowing dresses and wide-brimmed hats, the men i n blazers and brightly colored floral ties.
But the young men in the boats can barely hear the crowd. Just their own breathing as they pull against the longest natural.
straight stretch of water in the world--a mile and a half torture test against the best competition they've ever faced.
And they're neck and neck. CAMERON and TYLER can't shake the Dutch.
The CROWD is going crazy in their own English way as none of them can remember ever seeing two boats this close this late.
Mixed in with the British crowd is a small contingent waving the flag of Holland and a slightly larger contingent of Americans.
We'll notice a stoic man in a VIP viewing section and latex we'll be introduced to him as Cameron and Tyler's father, Next to him is their mother, who can barely watch.
Back on the boats it's just the breathing as the skulls slice through the water like jet-powered knives. 50 meters now and there's still no daylight between them.
We see a small trickle of blood from CAMERON's left hand begin to stream down his arm.
25 meters and the Dutch and American fans are going crazy-- even the British aristocracy can't help but get caught ups the closest race in the history of the competition. The 'ATH_PT'� is silently willing his boys one more fraction of boat speed-- the MOTHER has her hands over her mouth in praying position.
The blood that's covering CAMERON's left arm is being diluted by the sweat that's pouring down from his triceps as they dig, and pull, and pull, and pull, and--- POP!
--the finish gun is fired into the air, the oars come out of the water and the bodies of the crewmen slump over.
CAMERON turns his head to the cheering crowd to see the Dutch group holding a giant flag and.jumping up and down. The Americans bring their giant flag down and fold it up.
The two DUTCH CREW. MEMBERS pump their fists in the air and hug as the two boats skim along to a gentle stop.
The MOTHER drops her head-and looks down. The FATHER refuses to look away.
From CAMERON and TYLER, just the'breathing.,
EXT. AWARD CEREMONY - DAY CAMERON and TYLER are standing with their coaches and next to the two DUTCH CREWMEN who are with their coaches. They're on a stand in the Steward's Enclosure, a sprawling and glamorous tented area for the exclusive use of members and their guests.
After a moment, a man in a double breasted navy blazer steps out with his retinue in tow. The man is PRINCE ALBERT of Monaco. He receives a healthy clapping of golf applause as he approaches the stand.
This conversation is done without microphones or anything as modern as that.
His Royal Highness, Prince Albert. Sir, may I present Mr. Cameron Winklevoss and Mr. Tyler. Winklevoss of Harvard University.
PRINCE ALBERT: Brilliant race. Never seen a race that close. Less than one second, the steward tells me.
(BEAT) Yes, Your Highness.