华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script


The Wolf of Wall Street is a 2013 American biographical black comedy film directed by Martin Scorsese. The screenplay by Terence Winter is adapted from the memoir of the same name by Jordan Belfort and recounts from Belfort's perspective his career as a stockbroker in New York City and how his firm Stratton Oakmont engaged in rampant corruption and fraud on Wall Street that ultimately led to his downfall. Leonardo DiCaprio (who also co-produced the film) stars as Belfort, with Jonah Hill as his business partner and friend Donnie Azoff, Margot Robbie as his second wife Naomi Lapaglia, and Kyle Chandler as Patrick Denham, the FBI agent who tries to bring him down. Matthew McConaughey, Rob Reiner, Jon Favreau, and Jean Dujardin are also featured. The film marks the director's fifth collaboration with DiCaprio, after Gangs of New York (2002), The Aviator (2004), The Departed (2006), and Shutter Island (2010), as well as his second collaboration with Winter after the television 在危机四伏的投资界,掌管史崔顿·奥克蒙公司的乔丹·贝尔福特(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)生活侈靡、实力雄厚。1987年,22岁的乔丹进入罗斯柴尔德公司,从接线员做起,在高级经纪人马克(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)指点下,进入了股票经纪人充满毒品和欲望的世界,半年后因“黑色星期一”,乔丹转投靠贩卖“便士股票”的小公司,凭借巧舌如簧获得成功,与邻居唐尼(乔纳·希尔 Jonah Hill 饰)和一班朋友另立门户,游走在灰色地带获利颇丰,获称“华尔街之狼”,然而,FBI已经开始留意他

Dozen of Brokers and Sales Assistants look over as Donnie snatches up the fish. Holding it by its tail, he jumpsup on the desk of the Broker in a bowtie. Now the entire Bullpen looks over.
* DONNIE(CONT’D) This is what happens when you fuckwith your pets on new issue day!
With the flair of a showman, Donnie pops the fish in hismouth, swallowing it whole. The Brokers cheer wildly.
Donnie jumps down, gets in the face of the Broker in abowtie: DONNIE(CONT’D) Now take your bowtie, get yourshit and get the f*** out!
Bowtie is stunned. And as Donnie storms off, we PUSH IN on Jordan, watching from across the room.
127 INT. STRATTON OAKMONT III - JORDAN’S OFFICE - DAY (FEB ‘95) 127 Jordan finishes a phone call as Donnie enters with STEVEMADDEN, 30s, dressed in wrinkled navy blazer, cargo pantsand T-shirt, a baseball cap over his scraggly, thinninghair. Jordan smiles, crosses to greet him.
The Cobbler.
Ready to get rich?
Hey buddy.
STEVE MADDEN: And as they ad lib greetings, settle in at the couch: JORDAN (V.O.) Steve Madden, the shoe designer, was a childhood friend of Donnie’s, but I didn’t hold that against him. Remember those ads, those giant-headed girls with bugeyes wearing those big clunkyshoes?
127A INSERT - a quick series of Steve Madden ads. 127A The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages JORDAN (V.O.) He came to me a few years earlier when he was just starting out, so I became a silent partner in his company, buying an 85% stake for only a million bucks.
WE SEE various stores, all packed with teenage GIRLSbuying shoes and boots.
JORDAN (V.O.) The company blew up and we werenow taking it public. It was the biggest deal we’d ever done andthe hottest IPO on Wall Street.
129 INT. STRATTON OAKMONT III - JORDAN’S OFFICE - DAY (FEB ‘95) 129 Jordan and Donnie sit with Steve Madden in mid- conversation.
--which is why they need to meet you.
You gotta get ‘em fired up so they’ll push the sh*t out of thisstock.
Let them feel your passion.
130 INT. STRATTON OAKMONT III - BULLPEN - DAY (FEB ‘95) 130 Bustling with activity. With Jordan and Donnie lookingon from nearby, Steve Madden approaches a microphone onthe raised platform, in his hands several shoe boxes.
STEVE MADDEN: (into mic) Uhhh... excuse me... The place slowly comes to order.
STEVE MADDEN (CONT’D) For those of you who don't knowme, my name is Steve Madden. I'm -ONE
We know who you are!
The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13 67.
Steve clears his throat, looks over at Jordan -- he’s terrified. Jordan motions for him to calm down.
STEVE MADDEN: I uh, I'd like to start by tellingyou about my background in theshoe industry.