泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script


  1912年4月10日,号称 “世界工业史上的奇迹”的豪华客轮泰坦尼克号开始了自己的处女航,从英国的南安普顿出发驶往美国纽约。富家少女罗丝(凯特•温丝莱特)与母亲及未婚夫卡尔坐上了头等舱;另一边,放荡不羁的少年画家杰克(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥)也在码头的一场赌博中赢得了下等舱的船票。   罗丝厌倦了上流社会虚伪的生活,不愿嫁给卡尔,打算投海自尽,被杰克救起。很快,美丽活泼的罗丝与英俊开朗的杰克相爱,杰克带罗丝参加下等舱的舞会、为她画像,二人的感情逐渐升温。   1912年4月14日,星期天晚上,一个风平浪静的夜晚。泰坦尼克号撞上了冰山,“永不沉没的”泰坦尼克号面临沉船的命运,罗丝和杰克刚萌芽的爱情也将经历生死的考验。 Titanic; the pride and joy of the White Star Line and, at the time, the largest moving object ever built. She was the most luxurious liner of her era -- the "ship of dreams" -- which ultimately carried over 1,500 people to their death in the ice cold waters of the North Atlantic in the early hours of April 15, 1912.

The Cockney father pushes on, after his kids, shouting.
Steerage swine. Apparently missed his annual bath.
Honestly, Cal, if you weren't forever booking everything at the last instant, we could have gone through the terminal instead of running along the dock like some squalid immigrant family.
All part of my charm, Ruth. At any rate, it was my darling fiancee's beauty rituals which made us late.
You told me to change.
I couldn't let you wear black on sailing day, sweetpea. It's bad luck.
I felt like black.
Cal guides them out of the path of a horse-drawn wagon loaded down with two tons of OXFORD MARMALADE, in wooden cases, for Titanic's Victualling Department.
Here I've pulled every string I could to book us on the grandest ship in history, in her most luxurious suites... and you act as if you're going to your execution.
Rose looks up as the hull of Titanic looms over them...a great iron wall, Bible black and sever. Cal motions her forward, and she enters the gangway to the D Deck doors with a sense of overwhelming dread.
OLD ROSE (V.O.) It was the ship of dreams... to everyone else. To me it was a slave ship, taking me back to America in chains.
CLOSE ON CAL'S HAND IN SLOW-MOTION as it closes possessively over Rose's arm. He escorts her up the gangway and the black hull of Titanic swallows them.
OLD ROSE (V.O.) Outwardly I was everything a well brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming.
35 CUT TO a SCREAMING BLAST from the mighty triple steam horns on Titanic's funnels, bellowing their departure warning.
36 EXT. SOUTHAMPTON DOCKS / TITANIC - DAY A VIEW OF TITANIC from several blocks away, towering above the terminal buildings like the skyline of a city. The steamer's whistle echoes across Southampton.
PULL BACK, revealing that we were looking through a window, and back further to show the smoky inside of a pub. It is crowded with dockworkers and ship;s crew.
Just inside the window, a poker game is in progress. FOUR MEN, in working class clothes, play a very serious hand.
JACK DAWSON and FABRIZIO DE ROSSI, both about 20, exchange a glance as the other two players argue in Swedish. Jack is American, a lanky drifter with his hair a little long for the standards of the times. He is also unshaven, and his clothes are rumpled from sleeping in them. He is an artist, and has adopted the bohemian style of art scene in Paris. He is also very self-possessed and sure-footed for 20, having lived on his own since 15.
The TWO SWEDES continue their sullen argument, in Swedish.
(subtitled) You stupid fishhead. I can't believe you bet our tickets.
(subtitled) You lost our money. I'm just trying to get it back. Now shutup and take a card.
(jaunty) Hit me again, Sven.
Jack takes the card and slips it into his hand.
ECU JACK'S EYES. They betray nothing.
CLOSE ON FABRIZIO licking his lips nervously as he refuses a card.