战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script



But I assure you, this is the hand of helping.
This is the helping hand.
He says that he likes roads and schools, but when you leave, it will all mean nothing and they will be left in a big mess.
And every day that you spend here longer, the worse it will be for them when you leave.
So please, leave now.
I understand your concerns.
I really do. That's... That's why we're doing everything we can to bring peace, and to train up your own Afghan forces.
So that they can maintain your security, uh... well into the future.
Please, leave now.
Dragonfly, this is Spartan Two.
Think we're ready to roll.
Give 'em hell, boys!
Kill those motherfuckers! Eat 'em alive!
Jesus Christ, Willy. What time is it?
It's me, boss.
Um... sorry to wake you.
We have a problem.
That Rolling Stone article came out, and it's not good.
Sir, it says we're sh*t-talking our president.
And our vice president.
That we don't have the support of our coalition partners.
And that we're drunk all over Europe.
Basically, a f***ing drinking tour.