
vt. 笨拙地抛下;扑通放下;拍(翅)


He lands with a huge splash, doing a painful bellow flop. Drew comes to the surface, still clutching the now- destroyed umbrella. He smiles at the other disciples, who are still swimming, sheepishly.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
Augustus didn’t answer. He watched the tops of the weeds, patiently. It was no time for hurry, much less for conversation. Patience was an Indian virtue. He, himself, didn’t have it in day-to-day life, but he could summon it when it seemed essential. Then he heard a movement behind him, and glanced around quickly, to see if Pea had suddenly decided to take a stroll. When he did he saw the edge of a rifle extending an inch or two from the weeds, pointed not athimself but at Pea. He immediately fired twice into the weeds and an Indian flopped over as a fish might flop.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The woman looked disgusted. “If I had a piece of rawhide I’d tie it to your hand,” she said. “Then the two of you could flop around all you wanted to. What town hired you to be deputy sheriff anyway?” “Why, Fort Smith,” Roscoe said. “July Johnson’s the sheriff.” “I wish he’d been the one that showed up,” the woman said. “Maybe he’d know how to chop a root.” Then she began to pop the mules again and Roscoe continued to whack at the roots, squeezing the ax tightly so it wouldn’t slip loose again. In no time he was sweating worse than the woman, sweat dripping into his eyes and off his nose. It had been years since he had sweated much, and he didn’t enjoy the sensation.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Half the remuda will run off once they see him flop that lip,” he said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Augustus too was mildly amused by the Irishmen’s ignorance. “Why, boys, you just have to flop over and drop,” he said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇