

We now begin to hear a song coming over the loud-speakers from outside. In Italian, with unmistakable style.
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As the barge begins to round another bend. a FAMILIAR HIGH- PITCHED SOUND pierces the darkness. Muffled but unmistakable, it is the RINGING SAT-PHONE.
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In all, a feat of remarkable engineering and unmistakable hubris.
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163 INT. DIVISION HQ/VUKOVICH'S OFFICE Sarah is alert now with growing alarm. The sound of GUNFIRE is faint...but unmistakable. Her expression shows the dawning certainty of what is happening.
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RED (V.O.) And then came the unmistakable sound of Rory Tremont losing his last few meals. The whole cellblock heard it. I mean, it echoed.
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Doesn't need to. Today, tomorrow, a week from now -- 'a week from now', who can think about a week from now -- the answer is going to be the same -- a loud, unmistakable, all-inclusive, airtight -- 'No'. A BUZZ amongst the Board, they finally rustle into silence under Parrish's withering glance. PARRISH (cont'd) That's it? I've got a busy day and this meeting has already set me behind. Shall we adjourn?
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