
adj. 连贯的;连接的;有联系的


Subaru WRX believed to be connected to the robbery... The river of sin.
>> 极盗车神 Baby Driver Movie Script
Of course, rocketry is directly connected with NASA.
>> 火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script
You see, your kidnapping may be connected... to a case that we're investigating here... in which you may be considered a suspect.
>> 舞动奇迹 Slam Dance Movie Script
Those red beards are connected.
>> 亚瑟王:斗兽争霸 King Arthur: Legend of the Sword Movie Script
I have absolutely no idea who the rest of this people are - or how theyre connected to the death of a 16 year old girl - they must be somehow.
>> 龙纹身女孩 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Movie Script
The other three were not connected in any way that I could find.
>> 龙纹身女孩 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Movie Script
Our fields connected.
>> 爱因斯坦神模式 Einstein's God Model Movie Script
Am I... Chigurh reaches up to the man's forehead with the end of the tube connected to the air tank.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
The administration building, is connected to the chapel.
>> 越狱 终结篇Prison Break: The Final Break Movie Script
Every single Kaiju his mind's connected.
>> Pacific Rim 环太平洋 Movie Script
When Yancy was taken, we were still connected.
>> Pacific Rim 环太平洋 Movie Script
I was still connected to my brother when he died.
>> Pacific Rim 环太平洋 Movie Script
small metal object crosses the empty space surrounding Earth. If it appears to be a small satellite that is only because it is far away from us. It is the size of one football field. It is- The INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION (ISS). It resembles a dragonfly. Its solar panels stretch out, like wings, from the long body made of connected pressurized modules. It floats with a sense of proud achievement. It orbits at an altitude of 500 km above sea level. It moves at an average of 27,700 kilometers per hour, completing 15.7 laps around the Earth per day. It is cruising over Zimbabwe. To the East, the island of
>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script

INT. COLE'S BEDROOM - AFTERNOON Lynn moves into Cole's room with the laundry basket balanced on her hip. The Walkman headphones on her head blares A MUFFLED TECHNO DANCE BEAT. Lynn starts picking clothes up around Cole's room. This bedroom is an eerie place. The shadows seem to make shapes and figures. All the furniture is wood -- old fashioned. The lamps, the paintings on the wall -- antiques as well. The most striking feature of the room, however, is the homemade tent created from bedsheets and blankets tied to chairs and bureaus. It takes up a large corner of the room. A sign hangs over the bedsheets. "DO NOT ENTER" Lynn grabs the spiderman P.J.s that drape over the tent. A German Shepherd Puppy sleeps on the pillow. SEBASTIAN lifts his head sleepily and peers at Lynn before returning to his slumber. Lynn slowly reaches for a picture frame that peeks out from under Cole's pillow. Slides it out... It's a VACATION PHOTO of a couple. Lynn and Cole and a man. The man looks in every way a larger version of Cole. The picture has a visible effect on Lynn. She lets out a shaky breath before returning the photo to its hiding place. Lynn pulls a pair of school uniform pants off the wooden roll cover desk next to the bed.The desk is covered with loose leaf papers filled with writings. Lynn's eyes are drawn to the papers. Her curious gaze turns serious. Her mouth opens a tiny bit involuntarily. THE PAPERS are strewn with lines of handwriting. Countless lines. Thousands of words... Some horizontal, some vertical... The writing moves in arcs and flows in various size -- written at great speed -- every word connected by a single pen stroke -- everything written in one continuous motion. Lynn slowly spins the papers, taking in some of the phrases... ...Christ break the freaking glass oh no God no what the hell is going on Quiet the damn baby I'll cut you I swear it someone stop the burning I'll kill you I'll kill all you bastard... The words go on and on. Lynn removes her hands from the paper. She pulls her headphones off slowly. THE MUFFLED TECHNO DANCE BEAT FILLS THE DEAD SILENCE OF THE EERIE ROOM.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script