
n. 会议;协商;讨论;[篮]联盟


INT. TRI-TECH LABORATORIES, OFFICE -- SAME Three well dressed TRI-TECH EXECUTIVES sit around a conference table, which is littered with promotional brochures. The executives exchange a confused look. One of them speaks.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
I'm sorry, that damn conference--
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
For example , I am speaking at software conferences . I'm doing train for software companies sometimes and sometimes they're in English . So they invite me from different places in the world and I get there and I speak english, of course .
>> You don't need perfect
INT. THE CARRIER HORNET - BRIEFING ROOM - DAY The pilots are gathered expectantly in the carrier's conference room. Doolittle strides in.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
EXT. ESTABLISHING TOKYO - JAPAN - NIGHT INT. JAPANESE HIGH COMMAND - NIGHT The Conference Room is similar to that of the White House.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
INT. PRESIDENTIAL CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY GENERALS, ADMIRALS, and other advisors sit around the polished table -- all males, in suits and in uniforms. The door opens, and the men all stand.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
Mark baum so it was beyond perfect, when he was asked to speak at a conference opposite Bruce Miller famous bull-ish investor after he and mark had their debate Alan greenspan, one of the architects of the whole crisis, was scheduled to speak everyone in mark's office showed up, even invited friends!
>> The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script
They've had a press conference. The Pope's condition is grave. ''Gravissimo. '' The purpose of this meeting is to ratify... the motion passed by our shareholders in New York.
>> The Godfather: Part III 教父 3 1990 Movie Script
They want me to go to the conference with Sollozzo. Set up the meeting for two days from now. Sonny, get our informers to find out where the meeting will be held.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
I would kill to get Lorenzo's father to show up for a parent-teacher conference or at least not hang up on me.
>> Spare Parts 拼凑梦想 (2015) Movie Script
I think once was a BMW sales conference.
>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
* * He signs the f***ing thing. * 230G INT. U.S. ATTORNEY’S OFFICE - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY 230G* Jordan sits alone, finishes writing a long list of nameson a yellow legal pad.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
* * * * * * * 230D SCENES 230D - 230E OMITTED 230D* 230F INT. U.S. ATTORNEY’S OFFICE - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY 230F* OFF A “COOPERATION AGREEMENT,” we find -* -- Nolan Drager, Lucas Solomon, Rochelle Applebaum andAgent Denham all back at the conference table, readingcopies of the same contract. Lucas does so aloud: LUCAS SOLOMON: Paragraph 2. The defendant shall provide information regarding allcriminal activities of the defendant and others from June 1st, 1990, onwards. Paragraph 3.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
226A INT. U.S. ATTORNEY’S OFFICE - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY (SEP ‘98) 226A* * Jordan sits with Nolan Drager across from FBI AgentDenham, U.S. Attorney LUCAS SOLOMON, 50s, and AssistantU.S. Attorney ROCHELLE APPLEBAUM, 30s, humorless.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
202Ha 202J INT. S.E.C. - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY (SPRING ‘96) As Manny Riskin looks on, Jordan sits across from thethree SEC Attorneys and a COURT REPORTER.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
139 INT. STRATTON OAKMONT III - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY 139* (SUMMER ‘95) Jordan sits talking with Rugrat and Donnie.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
Jordan passes the conference room, looks in the window-- two SEC ATTORNEYS wear coats as they review documents.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
JORDAN (V.O.) The SEC sent two lawyers down toreview our files, so I set them up in our conference room.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
He thrusts a document into Bertie's hands, then pokes his head into the conference room.
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
47 INT. CONFERENCE ROOM, BUCKINGHAM PALACE - CONTINUOUS 47 Bertie waits at a table with a group of immaculately attired courtiers and dignitaries. This is the Coronation Committee.
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
>> 美国骗局 American Hustle Movie Script
AL KALOWSKI: I understand, you're in conference.
>> 美国骗局 American Hustle Movie Script
I'm at a Rodman & Renshaw conference, and a firm by the name of Muddy Waters puts out a report on Orient Paper, and it goes down significantly.
>> The China Hustle Movie Script
In New York, a small operator named Rodman & Renshaw ran investment conferences with a slightly different feel, centered on the political star power of its chairman, General Wesley Clark.
>> The China Hustle Movie Script
Between 2006 and 2011, Roth hosted over a dozen conferences and raised billions for Chinese companies.
>> The China Hustle Movie Script