
vt. 制造;构成;使得;获得;引起;进行;布置,准备,整理;认为;安排;形成


l don't want you to make that mistake.>>完整场景
You were too sick to make a decision.>>完整场景
He's gotten some very good notices, and he'll make his operatic debut in Sicily, in Palermo this Easter, so... So, thank you.>>完整场景
But l also want to make a move into legitimate enterprises.>>完整场景
l make more of a bella figura.>>完整场景
Who knows? Maybe one day he'll make all of you popular.>>完整场景
All to make money for the rest of the families.>>完整场景
We will make the peace, you and l.>>完整场景
Don Corleone, this deal with lmmobiliare can make you one of the richest men in the world.>>完整场景
- You don't make them easier.>>完整场景
l say we make him dead.>>完整场景
Vincent, make your peace with Mr Joe Zasa. Go on.>>完整场景
A quiet hush descends over the table, as though everyone knows the effect this will have on the old man. Sonny tries to make light of it.>>完整场景
I know what it meant... and I'm prepared to make it up to you. I will make changes; I can.>>完整场景
There are a lot of things I want to talk to you about. Things I've been thinking about -- changes I want to make.>>完整场景
Vito manages to pull him up into the car, and they make their escape.>>完整场景
Maybe I know how you can make a couple of extra bucks working as a mechanic.>>完整场景
One never knows when one might need a friend, isn't that true? Here, take this money as a sign of my good-will, and make your own decision. I won't quarrel with it.>>完整场景
No, no. It is my pleasure to make this a gift.>>完整场景
I've arranged for a plane; we're going to Miami in an hour. Try not to make a big thing of it.>>完整场景
They all make themselves comfortable. A waiter with a tray of drinks appears.>>完整场景
Later on he had an idea to make a city out of a desert stop-over for G.I.'s on the way to the West Coast.>>完整场景
If only I could live to see it, kid; to be there with you. How beautifully we've done it, step by step. Here, protected, free to make our profits without the Justice Department, the FBI; ninety miles away in partnership with a friendly government. Ninety miles, just a small step, looking for a man who desperately wants to be President of the United States, and having the cash to make it possible.>>完整场景
(continuing) Here are applications from Friends all over the States. I understand Santo Virgilio in Tampa is trying to make his own deal. Well, the Cuban Government will brush him off.>>完整场景
When I was older, I learned many things from him here. I was happy that this house never went to strangers; first Clemenza took it over, and then you. My father taught me, in this room, never to act until you know everything that's behind things. Never. If Hyman Roth sees that I interceded with you in the Rosato Brothers' favor, he'll think his relationship with me is still sound. I'm going somewhere to meet him tomorrow. We have friends in some very important business that we're making. Do this for me; you make the peace with the Rosato Brothers on their terms. Let the word out that I forced you; you're not happy wit hit, but acquiesced, just because of me. It will get back to Hyman Roth. Do this, Frankie. You can trust me.>>完整场景