
n. 酒吧;条,棒;障碍


His uniforms and his civilian clothes. Hanging neatly along the bar. He stares at this a moment, then suddenly heads back through the living room towards the front door.>>完整场景
My third case was a Drunk and Disorderly. The trial lasted nine weeks. I rounded up 31 people who were in the bar that night.>>完整场景
INT. A GEORGETOWN BAR - NIGHT KAFFEE sits at the bar. The place is crowded with YUPPIES and STUDENTS. KAFFEE's been drinking there a while now. Next to him is a YUPPIE LAWYER, regaling his FRIENDS with the story of his latest brilliant maneuver in the world of high stakes corporate law.>>完整场景
What bar was this?>>完整场景
LIPSKY (V.O.) (CONTD) None of the kids in my school had parents in the art world. It made me feel different. Like there was something I had to cover up.” Lipsky gets two glasses of wine from a bar. We FOLLOW as he makes his way through the crowd. He knows a lot of people with whom he exchanges ad-libbed greetings along the way.>>完整场景
Why won't you have a bar of me, sweet?>>完整场景
503. In the bar the barber bargained for a jar of jam, then got over the barrier of barrels.>>完整场景
The normal world at the bar, when things were.>>完整场景
Shapely female legs walking on bar stop in front of Striker.>>完整场景
DISSOLVE TO: INT. MAGUMBA BAR - NIGHT Striker is seated at bar in a smoke-filled room. An assortment of unsavory characters are hanging around the bar.>>完整场景
Beat. He extends a bar of soap with his other hand.>>完整场景
203 GORDY AND FELIX 203 drive past the bar. Gordy notices Felix doesn't evenglance at it.>>完整场景
The Gordy barely avoids being seen as the guerrillas crossthe room. At the bar, the bartender puts out two cratesof beer. The guerrillas take the beer and head out. No money's changed hands. When they're gone, to Felix -GORDY We'd better get back, huh?>>完整场景
I've been working all day out inthe sun. I need a drink... nice cold beer? How about it? I saw a bar in town.>>完整场景
188 EMPTY STOREFRONT 188 They pass an empty storefront. A sign on the large, front plate glass window says "Cine" and "Sabado." 189 BAR 189 They pass a bar. Felix watches it go by with somethinglike a look of desire. Gordy registers the look and theconnection to the bar.>>完整场景
Gordy reaches the bar, snags the cap. Glances back, sees the thin federale closing in, turns to run out the back, when... A strong hand stops him. The hand belongs to the FatFederale. And now the thin federale's there, too, wielding a stun gun where Gordy can see it. People inthe bar fall silent. Everyone but Armstrong, who'sfinally hung the spoon on the second girl's nose.>>完整场景
Gordy moves faster toward the girl. And... The girl unwittingly does him a favor by taking off thecap and setting it on the bar, where it's easier to grab, and then turns her attention to Armstrong's antics.>>完整场景
Gordy slips into the bar. Spots Armstrong through thecrowd. Sees Armstrong's not wearing his cap, when... The girl with the spoon on her nose turns slightly, revealing she's wearing the cap. It's on backwards, but now Gordy can see the "Deerborn" logo clearly.>>完整场景
143 INT. TROPICALE - NIGHT 143 In here, the MUSIC'S LOUD ROCK 'N' ROLL. Gringo musicfor a gringo bar. The place is busy, with plenty oflocal "hostesses" for the men. Even Armstrong, standinghalf-crocked at the bar, is flanked by two scantily-clad women. He's got a spoon hanging off his nose. So does one of the girls. Armstrong's trying to hang a spoon on theother.>>完整场景
133 FEDERALES 133 blast through the bar.>>完整场景
132 ANOTHER ANGLE 132 Gordy pounds out the back of the bar into a litteredcourtyard, where he's surrounded by ten-foot walls.>>完整场景
131 GORDY 131 jukes into a local bar.>>完整场景
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR (V.O.) Today, at 0700 hours EasternDaylight Time, a joint UnitedStates/Colombian strike forcelaunched a full-scale assault at a base camp of the Army of ColombianLiberation, or E.L.C., in Southern Colombia. The purpose of themission was to punish the peoplebehind the brutal bombing in NewYork City ten days ago... We arepresently evaluating after-actionreports from Special OperationsGroup, but feel confident that wehave accomplished our mission... Cheers throughout the bar. Mike quiets them.>>完整场景
Ronnie yells over from the bar -Hey, Gordy -RONNIE The guys look over as the bartender TURNS UP the VOLUMEon the TV.>>完整场景
He gets up and heads for the bar. To Gordy -MIKE I'll tell you what'll be great: when you get back to work with us.>>完整场景