
n. 意志;意图;心愿;情感;遗嘱


I will distract him.>>完整场景
- Which will anger them even more.>>完整场景
I will be dead.>>完整场景
Jack, the dead will not rest until they get their revenge.>>完整场景
Only then will we find our exact spot to see.>>完整场景
- She will take us to the Trident.>>完整场景
Their wretched flags will no longer stain the sea.>>完整场景
This be will light, far from a fully rising sun.>>完整场景
I will break my father's curse.>>完整场景
I will set your course.>>完整场景
The British Empire will have..>>完整场景
Or you will die.>>完整场景
That dairy will lead me to a map, hidden in the stars.>>完整场景
And he will be dragged under the ship.>>完整场景
Young Henry will be tossed over.>>完整场景
And you will live to tell the tale.>>完整场景
One of your men will die, So I suggest you speak quickly.>>完整场景
Gentlemen, these two prisoners will lead us, to the trident.>>完整场景
And all your treasure will come back to you.>>完整场景
And a pirate's greatest fear will be Salazar, is it?>>完整场景
Always will be! So how do I save, - what be mine.>>完整场景
The moon has time to blood, the trident will be found.>>完整场景
Son of Will Turner and Elisabeth Swann.>>完整场景
I will never set foot in this town again, sir. Be mark of words.>>完整场景
He will hang with the witch.>>完整场景