
n. 旅馆,饭店;客栈


My hotel is half a mile from the airport.>>完整场景
Ottavio Berlinghieri, Hotel Des Bains, Lido, Venice.>>完整场景
The gas station is past our hotel.>>完整场景
If it's less than that, we should be fine to go via the hotel.>>完整场景
"in a hotel 300 meters away from your site" So, Othabaynny?>>完整场景
How was your night at the hotel?>>完整场景
It all started since I met a woman "On the train coming from the" Paris This is really cool - No, no - Istahptny have to own the hotel ! Wonderful - No, no - ...I was involved with a man she loved Sorry to hear this - I know - ...Anyway This man was no story There are some people from those trying to kill him And how do you know this? - Because they tried to kill me - They tried to kill you? - For - Because they thought I was somewhat (I admire you Mr. (Tupelo - I also admire you, sir - But I do not understand anything of what I said . Come with me Where to take me, sir?>>完整场景
Yes, sir - "Not your route, to" Venice - Aware, sir - "Now it's time to see the" Venice Hello Do you want to come with me? - Why? - Yes, of course, I certainly need to continue to Thank you for this very nice Hello in the "Venice" Madam ! Bags Thank you ! Portfolios ! You will come Thank you ! Hello Welcome to Hotel "No, Daniel," Madam Suite Lady and her husband ...We have arranged the suite and wonderful ...And the bathroom also contains Can I be briefed on the passport, please? - For - Thank you Would be proud to show you . Wing of myself here Thank you Enjoy your stay, sir - Thank you - Everything has been arranged Through specific instructions I'm sure you will not be disappointed never count towards It Princes Suite "This wing was a deliberate intent to Prince pride of the city of" Balzac Wishes you a beautiful day, sir - Thank you - Act like you're in your home ! It is a hotel really cool, do not you think this?>>完整场景
The hotel might not offer breakfast.>>完整场景
I'll be waiting at the hotel.>>完整场景
“The barber says there’s a drummer with an accordion staying in the hotel,” Lippy said. “If he ain’t too attached to the accordion, I might buy it. We could make some fine music back at the wagon if we had an accordion to play.” “You oughta buy a new-hat,” Jimmy Rainey said boldly, for Lippy was still wearing the disgraceful bowler he had worn in Lonesome Dove.>>完整场景
The one hotel was easy to find, but the restaurant in it was a smoky little room with no charm and only one diner, a somber man with mutton-chop whiskers. Augustus decided he would prefer a cheerful bar, but that proved not easy to find.>>完整场景
“Why, look at him, he’s taking her breakfast,” Jasper said. “Dish, you’re so good at toting food, you ought to work in a hotel.” Dish ignored this sally and walked over to the tent with the plate of food. He was hoping she would be in a talking mood.>>完整场景
IT TOOK JULY only a day or two to determine that Elmira was not in Dodge City. The town was a shock to him, for almost every woman in it seemed to be a whore and almost every business a saloon. He kept trying to tell himself he shouldn’t be surprised, for he had heard for years that Kansas towns were wild. In Missouri, where he had gone to testify at the trial, there was much talk of Kansas. People in Missouri seemed to consider that they had gotten rid of all their riffraff to the cow towns. July quickly concluded that they were right. There might be rough elements in Missouri, but what struck him in Kansas was the absence of any elements that weren’t rough. Of course there were a few stores and a livery stable or two in Dodge—even a hotel of sorts, though the whores were in and out of the hotel so much that it seemed more like a whorehouse. Gamblers were thick in the saloons and he had never seen a place where as many people went armed.>>完整场景
“Hell, I’m the only one of your customers that’s taken a bath this year,” Jake complained. “You could take up with bankers and lawyers, and the sheets wouldn’t stink so.” “I like ’em muddy and bloody,” Sally said. “I ain’t nice, this ain’t a nice place, and it ain’t a nice life. I’d take a hog to bed if I could find one that walked on two legs.” Jake had seen hogs that kept cleaner than some of the men Sally Skull took upstairs, but something about her raw behavior stirred him, and he stayed with her and paid the daily ten dollars. The cowboys that came through were very poor cardplayers, so he could usually make his fee back in an hour. He tried other whores in other saloons, skinny ones and fat ones, but with them a time came when he would remember Lorena and immediately lose interest. Lorena was the most beautiful woman he had ever known, and her beauty grew in his memory. He thought of her often with a pang, but also with anger, for in his view it was entirely her own fault that she had been stolen. Whatever was happening to her, it was her punishment for stubbornness. She could easily have been living with him in a decent hotel in Austin or Fort Worth.>>完整场景
“This is like living in a hotel, Lorie,” Augustus said. “We got people toting us meals as fast as we can eat them.” At that point the cook got careless and the little pack mule took a kick at him which barely missed.>>完整场景
“Newt? Why, who knows?” Jake said. “Maggie was a whore.” Then he sighed and lay down beside her, running his hand up and down her body. “Lorie, me and you was meant for feather beds,” he said. “We wasn’t meant for these dusty blankets. If we could find a nice hotel I’d show you some fun.” Lorena didn’t answer. She would rather keep traveling. When Jake had his feel he went to sleep.>>完整场景
“We could be sleeping in a fine hotel tonight,” he said. “San Antonio ain’t but an hour’s ride.” “Go sleep in one, if you want to,” Lorena said. “I’ll stay in camp.” “I guess you do wish I’d leave,” Jake said. “Then you could whore with the first cowpoke that came along.” That was too silly to answer. She had not whored since the day she met him, unless you counted Gus. She sipped her coffee.>>完整场景
“I hope you’ll come back for breakfast,” Augustus said. “We eat about an hour before sunrise. Woodrow Call likes to put in a full day, as you may remember.” “For that matter we intend to have our breakfast sent out by the hotel,” Jake said sarcastically, spurring his horse.>>完整场景
“Well, you’re already trained, ain’t you?” he said. Lorena didn’t consider what had happened in Gladewater any training for anything, but then it was clear there wasn’t anything respectable she was trained for, even if she could get away from Tinkersley without being killed. For a few days she had thought Tinkersley might love her, but he soon made it clear that she meant about as much to him as a good saddle. She knew that for the time being the sporting life was about her only choice. At least the hotel room was nice and there were no mean sisters. Most of the sports who came to see her were men Tinkersley gambled with in the bar down below. Once in a while a nice one would even give her a little money directly, instead of leaving it with Tinkersley, but Tinkersley was smart about such things and he found her hiding place and cleaned her out the day they took the stage to Matamoros. He might not have done it if he hadn’t had a string of losses, but the fact that he was handsome didn’t mean that he was a good gambler, as several of the sports pointed out to Lorena. He was just a middling gambler, and he had such a run of bad luck in San Antonio that he decided there might be less competition down on the border.>>完整场景
If it's cold tomorrow, I might not leave the hotel.>>完整场景
why was the hotel so awful? There was a rat in my bed ,it was awful.>>完整场景
Well, my 16-year old, him and his buddy, we were staying at, um... We got a hotel room and I told them-- because they are horrible, they smell so raunchy.>>完整场景
But I was dating a man and we were at a hotel and I felt a fart coming on and I grabbed the blanket and I pulled it up and I stuffed it in and it was the worst thing I ever could have done.>>完整场景