
adj. 奢侈的;浪费的;过度的;放纵的


MALL (SUMMER 1945) Now all the wedding GUESTS excitedly clap their hands over the entrance of the cake: NAZORINE is beaming as he wheels in a serving table containing the biggest, gaudiest, most extravagant wedding cake ever baked, an incredible monument of his gratitude. The CROWD is favorably impressed: they begin to clink their knives or forks against their glasses, in the traditional request for the Bride to cut the cake and kiss the Groom. Louder and louder, five hundred forks hitting five hundred glasses.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
“Dish, we might as well stop,” Jasper said. “We’ll barely get out of debt this year as it is.” “I’ll take a hand,” Lippy said. “I might be rusty but I’m willing.” “Let him play,” Xavier said suddenly. It was a house rule that Lippy was not allowed to gamble. His style was extravagant and his resources meager. Several times his life had been endangered when strangers discovered he had no means of paying them the sums he had just lost.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
54. The extravagant savage made the interior and exterior criteria of deterioration.
54. 奢侈的野蛮人制定了腐败的内外标准。
>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
EXT. THE ROYAL PALACE - GARDENS - DAY Attractive young adults strut about in the extravagant attire of Louis XIV's France, the men like peacocks, the ladies in gowns that seem to squeeze their entire bodies up into their bosoms. They laugh and smile and strike courtly poses pretending to talk with each other -- but all eyes are on the doorway, through which the king is about to come... JUST BEYOND THAT PALACE DOORWAY KING LOUIS the Fourteenth is having his wardrobe adjusted by a flock of tailors. He is twenty-two, and would be quite handsome, except for the total self-absorption. He's checking himself in a full length golden mirror as two of his advisors, PIERRE and CLAUDE, try to speak with him.
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I insist. We can't. It's far too extravagant for a little boy.
>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
You're extravagant.
>> 英语闲聊对话