
adj. 职业的;专业的;职业性的


Dr. Stone, you've held a license to practice medicine for 21 years, you are Board Certified in Internal Medicine, you are the Chief of Internal Medicine at a hospital which serves over 8000 men. In your professional opinion, was Willy Santiago poisoned?>>完整场景
HAROLD DAWSON's a handsome, young, black corporal. Intense, controlled, and utterly professional.>>完整场景
He's a straight-A student, and now he needs a professional?>>完整场景
A professional.>>完整场景
254. The chess professor confessed his professional blessing in the confession.>>完整场景
And that applies not only as a professional, as a racing driver, but also as a man.>>完整场景
It's a great opportunity for me, professional.>>完整场景
The two most professional drivers, as well.>>完整场景
343 INT. ROOM - HICKAM AIR FORCE BASE - NIGHT 343 LUCY, unsettled, but still professional, matches the image of the dead body parts, of the clothing, to the image of Susan Danford taken when she was alive earlier.>>完整场景
276 INT. GROUND CONTROL STATION - NIGHT 276 STEVE, now sweating profusely, continues to prepare the firing of the missile. He is being professional - but he cannot stop his emotion coming through.>>完整场景
211 INT. GROUND CONTROL STATION - NIGHT 211 STEVE is trying to keep it together. To keep it professional.>>完整场景
He has failed at his professional task.>>完整场景
CLAIRE, a young professional talks to Johnny as they head in.>>完整场景
He is met by a few professional young women and an eager PR guy.>>完整场景
He hears a professional woman’s voice on the line.>>完整场景
Professional anglers go after the big fish.>>完整场景
Come on. man. Don't track it all over. It's un- professional.>>完整场景
Happens all the time in professional radio.>>完整场景
It hasn't hurt me much in my professional life.>>完整场景
It's more professional.>>完整场景
You guys are like legal professional gamblers?>>完整场景
Jim harris:
What he drew was something that Was very professional looking.>>完整场景
Like Bonnie and Clyde, the Clintons are professional thieves.>>完整场景
He is a self-termed professional radical.>>完整场景
In recognition for his outstanding achievement in the field of child psychology, his dedication to his work, and his continuing efforts to improve the quality of life for countless children and their families, the City of Philadelphia proudly bestows upon its son Dr. Malcolm Crowe... That's you... the Mayor's Citation for Professional Excellence. Beat. The power of the words sobers the two of them.>>完整场景