
adv. 医学上地;医药上地


As MARK and EDUARDO walk on, we leave STUART, VIKRAM and BOB in the background---with STUART and VIKRAM admonishing BOB with-- STUART/VIKRAM (TO BOB) Are you a moron?/Are you medically stupid?/You can't recognize Bill Gates when he's standing in front of you for an hour?/Mark Zuckerberg now thinks we got into Harvard on a dimwit scholarship./I'm gonna get a Glock 39 and I'm going to kill you./I'm actually going to kill you/etc.
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Medically speaking, it's a miracle That your wife is still breathing.
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Umm... I know this must be tough for you but your wife is in a coma and medically considered dead.
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You’ve been in a medically induced coma while we got you out of Ukraine and rebuilt your mouth.
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