
n. 平面;飞机;程度,水平


The Zero's bullets eat his canopy and plane skin; the plane breaks apart in mid air, spilling in gouts of flame as it smashes down on the tarmac.>>完整场景
Theo makes his plane and is just strapping himself in when bullets stitch his fuselage, wounding him. He still forces the plane forward. He taxis twenty feet and his cockpit gets chopped up and the plane arches into a right turn and putters to a stop, Theo dead at the controls.>>完整场景
The Japanese planes attacks again. This time the lead plane hits a wall of steel fired from the combined guns; the bullets chew into the bomb it carries and the plane EXPLODES.>>完整场景
Get me into a plane!>>完整场景
They look at each other on the ground. They see machine gun bullets thudding into the planes on the flight line, and ripping along the walls of the buildings. It's as if the whole Japanese airforce is attacking this one base, and not leaving a single plane airworthy.>>完整场景
Something drops from the lead plane and splashes easily into the water; the plane banks away.>>完整场景
EXT. SKIES ABOVE PEARL HARBOR - DAWN The Japanese scout plane is high in the air. It radios -- SCOUT PLANE PILOT Harbor quiet. Ships in place. Carriers gone.>>完整场景
The first plane taxis along the flight deck and lifts into the sky. The seamen cheer and wave their caps.>>完整场景
INT. SCOUT PLANE - NIGHT The plane climbs to a high altitude, toward the dawn and Pearl Harbor.>>完整场景
EXT. FLIGHT DECK, JAPANESE CARRIER - NIGHT A single scout plane launches into the air.>>完整场景
You'd always go sit in a plane whenever you were upset.>>完整场景
He spins the plane in an easy half turn, inverting their heads above Pearl Harbor, gorgeous in the moonlight, the battleships aglow, the moon reflected in the peaceful water, embraced by the island of Oahu.>>完整场景
We got some soldiers in traction from a jeep accident, but it's quiet. Except for the occasional fighter plane buzzing us.>>完整场景
Rafe's Spitfire hits the broken fog over the water -- the Squad Leader loses sight of it for a moment -- and then the plane hits, splashing and exploding all at once.>>完整场景
Rafe's plane descends, ever faster, passing through clouds, then clear air again. The Squad Leader tries to chase and cover him, but Rafe's dropping fast, and still isn't out of the plane as the Germans dive on him again, firing.>>完整场景
BLAM! He blows out the glass; the smoke clears enough for him to take a breath and try to see. He fights the stick, but the plane won't respond.>>完整场景
His problems are just beginning; the fluid is dripping down onto his cockpit's corroded electrical wiring; the fluid causes an arc...a spark...and suddenly a fire is spreading through Rafe's plane.>>完整场景
RAFE, IN HIS PLANE, is flying blind.>>完整场景
The second Spitfire, the Squad Leader's, takes fire from the other German bombers, and shears off, heading through the smoke of the plane Rafe has on the ropes.>>完整场景
Rafe throws his plane into an ultra-tight, high speed turn, right between the tails of the leader German group and the noses of the second. His turn is so tight that the plane flexes with the g-force.>>完整场景
And if you don't give me a plane that can handle combat, you better start learning to speak German.>>完整场景
Rafe is one of the pilots; the fuselage below his cockpit is marked with four swastikas, symbols of his victories. He taxis to a stop, and is met by IAN, a Scottish mechanic, who is dismayed at the state of the plane.>>完整场景
Yamamoto nods; Genda speaks again into his radio, and another plane swoops down and drops a torpedo. Genda holds his hands to his ears, causing the others to do the same; even though they wonder at the need.>>完整场景
Genda speaks into a field radio. A lone plane drops out of formation and goes into a low-level approach, speeding up and dropping its torpedo.>>完整场景
EXT. THE SKIES ABOVE OAHU - DAY A seaplane takes tourists on an excursion above Pearl Harbor and around the island of Oahu. One Japanese tourist shoots pictures rapidly...first of the ships as seen from overhead; then he leans to the other side of the plane and shoots pictures of the airfield below them.>>完整场景