
adj. 原子能的;中心的;细胞核的;原子核的


Electric cars... Most of their electricity comes from coal fired plants or nuclear reactors.>>完整场景
80 years ago, who could've predicted nuclear proliferation?>>完整场景
Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should. Science can create pesticides, but it can't tell us not to use them. Science can make a nuclear reactor, but it can't tell us not to build it!>>完整场景
Satellites have picked up nuclear debris blowing around the Pamir Mountains.>>完整场景
At that rate, nuclear debris will reach Pakistan by tomorrow.>>完整场景
We've just located nuclear warheads three miles north of the Scud launchers.>>完整场景
We got a nuclear crisis on our hands, Ben. Here's the brief.>>完整场景
1. With my own ears I clearly 【heard】 the 【heart】 beat of the nuclear bomb.>>完整场景
1. 我亲耳清楚地听到原子弹的心脏的跳动。
There was a war. A few years from now. Nuclear war. The whole thing. All this-- His gesture includes the car, the city, the world.>>完整场景
Me and Standish and Redding are doing the anti-pep rally... to point out that a violent ground acquisition game... such as football is, in fact... a crypto-fascist metaphor for nuclear war.>>完整场景
Those nuclear missiles?>>完整场景
Keeping track of nuclear arsenals, You'd think that's more critical to world security, but it's not.>>完整场景
Her nuclear power plant's team won the championship five years running, which makes her the deadliest woman on earth with a dodgeball.>>完整场景
PROTAGONIST (CONT'D) Ground zero for an underground nuclear test. Sir Michael Crosby told me about a detonation at Stalsk-12 on the 14th – the dead drop is at the bottom of the hypocentre. That explosion seals up the algorithm.>>完整场景
The most insecure moment in the history of nuclear weapons.>>完整场景
Nuclear containment facilities.>>完整场景
There are nine nuclear powers. Nine bombs. Nine sets of the most closely guarded materials in the history of the world. The best hiding places possible.>>完整场景
(in Estonian, subtitled) – Are they still moving? – The Police Operator checks his screen – NODS... EXT. TALLINN STREET – CONTINUOUS TYRES HOWLING, the convoy GRINDS forward – Blue Co-pilot tosses a DYE PACK onto the windshield of the SUV – it BLASTS across the glass, obscuring the view – Yellow Co-pilot does the same in the front – the Guards are now BLIND, CANNOT OPEN THEIR DOORS OR SHOOT OUT THROUGH THE BULLET-PROOF VEHICLES... The Protagonist CLIMBS ONTO THE LADDER, lying on top... Inside, the Red Co-pilot operates the ladder controls... The ladder SWINGS OUT AT NINETY DEGREES, hanging the Protagonist DIRECTLY OVER THE NUCLEAR TRUCK... he PULLS a frame from his pack, unfolds it – fixes it to the roof. The ladder SWINGS him away – the frame EXPLODES – he SWINGS back through the smoke to find an OPENING and climbs into – INT. NUCLEAR TRANSPORTATION TRUCK – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist lands, gets his bearings, finds the SAFE. He reaches into his pack... EXT. TALLINN STREET – CONTINUOUS An Estonian POLICE CAR pulls up behind the fire truck – the POLICEMEN spot SPARKS from the dragging bumper of the SUV – the Policeman Passenger tries his radio... STATIC... INT. NUCLEAR TRANSPORTATION TRUCK – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist affixes a CHARGE to the safe – he runs a wire, pushing back into the farthest corner – BLASTS the door open – INT./EXT. FIRE ENGINE – CONTINUOUS Watching the Police through his mirror, Red Passenger rolls down his window and props his ASSAULT RIFLE on the sill... INT. NUCLEAR TRANSPORTATION TRUCK – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist reaches into the safe... PULLS OUT an ORANGE PLASTIC CASE... reaches up to climb through the roof... INT./EXT. FIRE TRUCK – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist, orange case in hand, CLIMBS onto the ladder – Red Passenger SWINGS his rear-opening door out and SHOOTS OUT the engine block of the police car which DROPS BACK as – The fire-truck ladder SWINGS the Protagonist back onto the fire truck – he climbs down onto the side – the BMW pulls alongside – he JUMPS into the car, which SPEEDS away... INT./EXT. BMW, TALLINN STREET – CONTINUOUS Neil, driving, glances at the orange case – We got it!>>完整场景
Blue Co-pilot and Yellow Co-pilot COUNT DOWN in unison – BLUE CO-PILOT (over radio) Five, four, three, two, one, go... Blue truck, behind the convoy, GUNS THE ACCELERATOR, as yellow truck, in front of the convoy, SLAMS ON THE BRAKES... The two SUVS are ACCORDIONED against the nuclear truck, then CARRIED FORWARD WITH THE NUCLEAR TRUCK as the coloured trucks CLOSE FORMATION and PULL FORWARD, maintaining pace – Go yellow! BLUE CO-PILOT (CONT'D) The YELLOW CO-PILOT in the broadcast truck sends out STATIC – INT./EXT. SECURITY SUV – CONTINUOUS The SECURITY DRIVER is trying the radio – STATIC... INT. CONTROL CENTRE, TALLINN POLICE – CONTINUOUS A POLICE OPERATOR is frowning, trying the radio. He calls to his SUPERVISOR –>>完整场景
The Protagonist, DRESSED AS A FIREFIGHTER, jumps out of the BMW and grabs onto the side of the fire truck, BANGING the side to signal the driver. The fire truck pulls out onto the three-lane highway... INT./EXT. FIRE TRUCK – CONTINUOUS The fire truck pulls alongside the nuclear convoy, slotting in on the left, so that the convoy is now SURROUNDED... the Protagonist CLIMBS onto the roof beside the ladder, puts on a pair of heavy-duty gloves, pulls a diagonal backpack around onto his front, checking his tools.>>完整场景
SATOR (CONT'D) Seal us this side! As the door shuts behind him, he walks towards a RED DOOR WITH A SMALL PORTHOLE, finding a spot in the shadows nearby... EXT. TALLINN STREET – CONTINUOUS The BMW watches the yellow truck, a BROADCAST TRUCK, which pulls out just ahead of the nuclear convoy... the Protagonist looks back through the BMW’s side mirror, which is CRACKED... The BMW sees the blue truck, a WRECKER, which pulls out onto the larger street, just behind the convoy, which is now SURROUNDED ON THREE SIDES by the coloured trucks.>>完整场景
INT./EXT. BMW, TALLINN STREET – CONTINUOUS The BMW pulls out, running behind the nuclear convoy. As the convoy passes the cross street where the green truck, a FLATBED TRUCK, is sitting, it pulls out beside them, settling in to the right of the convoy.>>完整场景
Nuclear police front and back – SUVs with serious armour – you can’t break in through the windows.>>完整场景
The 241’s being transported through Northern Europe on its way to the long-term nuclear storage depot at Trieste. I’m told you have resources in Tallinn.>>完整场景